Trip to F.D.R. Farm Property by Erika

On Tuesday, September 27th,  the entire sixth grade went to the F.D.R. farm property to learn about salamanders and trees. Although I was out sick when this event took place, it seemed like a fun thing to learn about.  From what I heard from the other sixth graders in my class, it seemed like they had a good time picking up the salamanders and measuring trees.  When they picked up the salamanders, they were full of slime, because they live in water. The thing people didn’t like was that there were many amounts of people having their own conversations and not following the directions that the park rangers gave. So for other people that were listening and not distracting others, they got pretty confused. Another thing that people didn’t like was the mosquitos, because they were swarming around them. This also made people distracted and not being able to understand the directions. I want to thank Suzanne and Kathy for all their hard work on putting this field trip together! Sorry I missed all the fun!

One thought on “Trip to F.D.R. Farm Property by Erika

  1. This was a great blog, considering you were not there. good listening! What were some things that people liked about the trip?

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