Picture Challenge – Cory

Once upon a time there was a girl named Abbie and her best friend John. They had been best friends since they were six years old and they are now eleven. Every day they would go to in the woods and work on their tree fort. They would spend hours in the woods every day, right after school.

One day they met a girl at school named Julia. Abbie and John seemed a little scared because they heard that Julia was a big bully. Julia said, “All I want is some new friends. I wont hurt you.” So Julia, Abbie and John started being really good friends and they started to hang out all the time.

Abbie and John realized that it was time to show Julia their tree fort. Julia was amazed how cool it was and really wanted to participate in working on it. One day they were walking to the tree fort and Julia fell into a huge hole in the ground and all you could here was screaming. Abbie and John sat there crying. They knew that they would have to make sure that no one could find out.

Soon they came sprinting inside to tell Jake’s mom that Julia had disappeared. They called 911 immediately. The police researched the woods to track any footsteps or anything to find out where Julia went. It took them weeks to find out until they found THE HOLE!!!!

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