My passion for the hoop! by Hannah

Blogging Challenge #2

One of the many passions I have is basketball. My dad, my brother and I play basketball  whenever we get the chance!  I am always trying to get better and my dad and I run drills a lot. Some of the drills we do are foul shots, lay-ups, side shot close, side shot far and Around the World.

Around The World is a game that helps with shooting. The way you play is to make a (big) half circle around the hoop and make a mark in front of the hoop, then a mark  at  beginning of the half circle then on about two feet away from that; make a mark right before it, start to turn and do the same on the other side. The first person takes a shot at the  beginning if they make it they go to the next one. If they don’t make it they stay there and the next person goes and so on, until someone makes it all the way around the circle and back again. Whoever makes it back first wins!


Picture by Stu Seeger

Picture from Flickrcc


My favorite time of day to play is at night because we have lights and so it looks really cool.  Also, there’s no one else outside and the stars are shining. It’s just overall a great time to play! So go outside and shoot some hoops!!

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