My passion-Aaron

Blogging Challenge #2

Who here has a passion? Trick question! Does everyone have a passion? Mine is playing the Legend of Zelda video game series. If you’re a fan of the games too, great read on. If you don’t then it’s okay. You can read it too, but if you’re a fan skip this next part because I’m going to explain the story of the game.

The Legend of Zelda is a video game series that was first made when my dad (who by the way is 45) was a kid. The first game was so old that it was pixelated. The newest games are made for the 3ds and the other has wii motion plus. 2011 was the 25th anniversary. In the actual game the goal is always the same, to rescue princess Zelda. The world has been different. Sometimes it’s Hyrule, Clock Town, Lanayru, the Ocean Faron Woods, Eldin, Ordan, The Sacred Zone, The Temple Of Time, but you always get items and solve puzzles.

Okay, thanks for waiting all you fans. I personally have only played 4 Zelda games but I have read the books by Akira Himekawa so I do know something. The games I played are Spirit Tracks, Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. In each the world is different, the travel is different and even the plot and transport changes. In skyward sword you start on floating islands in the sky and you’re late for a ceremony called the wing ceremony and by the  end you’re  the legendary hero. In this game you travel by foot or on your giant bird. It’s a lot of fun and there’s always something new. The Legend of Zelda is not only something I think is fun, it’s something I’m passionate about.

These are my remotes for gaming

5 thoughts on “My passion-Aaron

  1. Thank you for sharing your passion, although I knew you really liked the game(s), I never realized how much thought was behind the games. Thank you for teaching me something new.

  2. I think Zelda is one of the greatest game series on the planet. But Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask (the classics) are the best!

  3. Hi My name is Niamh. Thank you for sharing the world your passion it was really good and cool. It sounds like you love gaming and i love your game/wii remotes

  4. Hi Shirley
    I have played Zelda but I’m not a massive fan but I do like to play video games. I like sport games like NBA 2K12, FIFA World Cup and a golf game that I can’t remember the name of. Are there any other games you love? If you would like to visit our blog go to
    From Jacob

  5. Hi, I’m Rachel from Lethbridge Canada, and I thought it was fantastic that you shared your passion on a blog! I usually don’t play that many games, but I do have some passions, for example, I like to play badminton with a friend when I have time to relax. Very well done job!

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