Review Update – January

Science and Humanities combined classes

In science we did a class project, where we peeled and pickled apples. Then we made faces on the apple heads with rice and cloves. To begin our project each of us made a hypothesis about how much water the apples would lose. We weighed them by grams in every science class using the same balance scales to see the changes in mass. Our final results showed that about 80-90% of an apple is water. All of our information was recorded in graphs and charts.

We decided to create some Scimanities classes to interweave science and humanities learning. Since we are studying medieval times (500 AD-1500 AD) and the people in that time period, we decided to make medieval characters from our apple heads. We took the apple heads and put them on sticks and then dressed them up as different people. We chose names for them like, Sir Robert Apple, Avalon, Celestia, Crispen etc. When we had finished decorating the apple heads, we wrote biographies about our characters and turned them into a Voicethread.



Our middle school has been working on NaNoWriMo Book Talks. NaNoWrimos stands for National Novel Writing Month. This is a writing program for students of all ages coordinated by The Office of Letters and Light.  Students are asked to write a novel with a certain amount of words in one month. The 7th and 8th grade students in our school all wrote novels between 2,000 – 10,000 words. Instead of writing the novel, 6th graders decided to create individual book talks using the Book Talk Questions from NaNoWriMo. A book talk is where you write about specific points of interest in a book of your choice without giving the book away. Every student in our class chose a book we liked and wrote a book talk about it, to get others interested. Check them out! They are really cool!)

Do you like reading novels? Check out our Book Talks on some amazing books and get some ideas for reading..

Book Talks by 6th grade

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