Dreams for 2013 – Charlotte

My dream for 2013 is that our school has no tests.  I have a bunch of reasons why we shouldn’t have tests in the middle school. Tests make students pressured and stressed out. Instead of tests, we should have an independent worksheet/packet, so that way teachers can see what level they’re at and students don’t feel stressed.  Also some students don’t do their best in test because of their nerves. There are a lot of different ways for teachers to find out how students are doing, without tests. I know that PDS is not a test school but we still have some test and I hope that we have no tests in the middle school.

My world wide dream is for schools to be more of communities. I want schools to interact more with each other and learn from each other. I know that we Skype with others schools, we use twitter and we blog. We should take another step in this and find ideas to interact more. One idea is that schools do big projects with other schools . It would be so cool if we could go to a school and meet the students there and do a really fun project. Maybe not the whole school but some grades doing a project together. Our school is a really comfortable community and if we stretch that even farther other schools or just even one school could be apart of our community.

One thought on “Dreams for 2013 – Charlotte

  1. Hi, I’m Michelle. I’m a six grade student from Lethbridge, Alberta. I liked your blog. It was really well written. I don’t think we should have test either. They are very stressful. I think that would be a good idea to have instead of tests.

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