Twitter in schools – Joanna

I think that schools should be allowed to use it as long as they are not following and/or letting someone follow them that tweets inappropriate tweets. Twitter is a great tool as long as you use it properly. The older the class is the more likely that  they will use it properly. There are a lot of cool things you can do on twitter that you can’t do on a blog or something like that. There are people like Tim and Moby that are on twitter. Another good thing to make sure is that the person that the class is going to follow is educationally connected so that they are not some random person but a teacher from the school or something like that. Schools should have an account if they want one but it should never be forced into doing it. It is also fun making tweets to tweet out. There are a lot of good things on it like funny pictures or videos. Some things that are on it are really educational but some are just fun.

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