Vampire Syndrome By Cormac

“No! You can’t do that! No! No! No! Wait… let me back up.” My friend Bud and I had been hanging out in the park. We went over to look at this hole that seemed to be getting bigger. It was big and grey and there seemed to be light coming out of it. As soon as we were within two feet of it, it immediately expanded, and we fell, down, down, down. We, landed in what seemed to be water, but was actually, a swimming pool filled with blood.
Bud and I climbed out, and looked at each other. Not knowing what to expect, we slowly crept up towards the house at the top of the hill. We could see it from the swimming pool, so that’s where we went. We went inside, and found a rotting skeleton, sitting in a chair. A man appeared. He asked us our names and we told him. Probably pretty stupid now that I think about it. He asked us what year it was and we answered him. “2013…why?”. He didn’t answer my question, but his eyes lit up like he had achieved something.
“Come with me,” he said, “I have something to show you.” This was stupid. We followed him into a back room, where he locked the door. “What do you want Mr?” Bud and I were both really freaked out. The weird little guy answered, “Your blood. I need your blood. Right now, the year is 1804. Each year I need to bring somebody back from the future, for their advanced blood. See, I’m a Vampire.”
“No! You can’t do that! No! No! No!”, I screamed! He started towards me, the next thing I felt a tearing sensation on my neck. Now we’re dead. Don’t make our mistakes.

5 thoughts on “Vampire Syndrome By Cormac

  1. Woah Cormac, I really like the title you chose for your scary story. It was a good descriptive story! It was great writing! I also really liked the storyline. Vampires are really fun and cool, especially for your story. Great job!

  2. Wow, that’s brilliant. I liked the suspense as the hole got bigger and they dropped in the swimming pool of blood. Where was it set? I’d like to have read a description of what the weird man looked like.
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    Please make a comment. I live in Bristol, UK

  3. Fantastic writing I want to read more. What happend to the two friends?
    Even better if you could describe their feelings.
    please comment on our blog at….. live in Bristol UK 🙂

  4. Love it because it was intresting and we where anxius to no what was going to happen next. Why did you chose this subject:)

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