Thanksgiving Observation Story – Aydin

It was late afternoon; I was sitting in the living room watching TV. Then, something caught my eye — what’s this? It’s a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed animal with pupils unusually large. But this ‘animal’ wasn’t just any animal; this animal was a cat. It was black and white and it appeared to be in a weird shape. It was laying down flat with both of its back paws moving (left, right, left, right) and its front paws looking ready to pull it forward. As another cat walked into the room (this cat was just black), I can see what the other cat on the mantle is up to. For a brief second the other cat looks at the cat on the mantle, and then…POUNCE. The cat on the mantle jumps down and pounces on to the other. They start vigorously fighting. Claw, claw and over and over the cats clawed at each other. That clawing eventually became grabbing and throwing and full on tackling.


It was deep into the fight, and the completely black cat had tackled the black and white one onto the ground. The black and white cat grabbed the completely black cat’s neck and fully rolled over while holding on to him. This turned the whole fight around, making the black cat on the ground, and the other cat on top. This kept going on — there were RAWRS and hisses, swings and misses. This fight had gone on much too long; somebody had to put a stop to it.  I stand up tall, look at both cats and make a big sound as I stomp on the ground to stop the cats from fighting. Both cats look at me and jump about five feet in the air and run like  cartoon cats out of the room. I am now satisfied. I sit back down in my comfortable leather chair and watch TV to the sound of birds outside.


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