Buddies – By Eamonn

At PDS we have an activity called “Buddy mentor program”. In this activity, we get paired up with kids from the preK and K chosen by the teachers. We get together with our buddies every 8 days and continue what we were doing last week. Mostly we just work with them while they do their everyday activities.  The time usually last about 45 minutes before we have to leave our buddy and go to our next classes. It is a good way for older and little student to get together and make friends throughout the grades.

I think that the buddy thing was a big success because I had a lot of fun hanging out with my buddy, Marlo, who is also my sister. It was fun seeing how as we grow up things that were exciting and scary for us are now just normal. For example, at my age the little zip line on the playground is just something to pass the time. For the little buddies, it feels like flying across the Earth. index

One of the things that all little children I have interacted with have in common is, chasing. I think it is the thought of, “I am faster than you so I can catch you” is what inspires them.The things that I got to do with my buddy, Marlo, were working with play dough, playing police ( I got to be the bad guy) and just walking around and playing with her other friends. I liked getting chased the best because a couple of other kids her age came and joined in with their buddies, so we had game going with all different sizes and ages of kids.

Overall, the experience was amusing, cool, and I would like to do it again.

2 thoughts on “Buddies – By Eamonn

  1. It’s great seeing that PDS education entails more than just book and classroom learning. Having the buddy mentor program as part of the curriculum is another opportunity to broaden the thinking of the kids and helps them realize that they are a part of the education process and not just static entities.
    In an ever shrinking world, the more interactive kids are with the people around them, the better suited they will be as they grow and progress through the world.

  2. That sounds so fun! I remember doing that last year and it was so fun! It’s nice that you’re enjoying that so much. It must be pretty funny being paired up with your sister! I hope you have fun later on in the year with Marlo! Keep writing so well!

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