My Summer By Sam

 Camp hillcroft

I went to Camp Hillcroft for 8 weeks over the summer!This is my second year at camp. What is cool about camp that is people from all around the world come and work there. Everything was really fun at camp, my favorite things was climb, Was probably running off a tower for the zip line. I was so scared  and I did not know if I could do it, but I ran off and it was awesome. Then I rode it the rest of the way down.

 I also did archery at camp. I did it almost everyday. When I was at camp I did lots of things. Everything was fun,some of my favorites were swimming, climbing and soccer. I got to pet a goat and play with a bunny and feed turkeys and chicken. At camp I climbed and I did all the climbing walls they had.Some were challenging and some were easy. At soccer, I got to play and practice. I also got to play a game called world cup. It is just a game to practice soccer. I got to play with a bunny I feed him and I picked him up. When I fed the chickens and turkeys, they pecked at my hands and it tickled. It was fun.

A thing I did which was not at camp was playing Dungeons and Dragons at a friend’s house. While I was there, The family has a  dog named Winnie, She is a pug mix and she is really friendly and nice and she loves to play. When I played D and D I was the wizard. I could use spells and my weapons. The weapon I started with was  a short sword, but when we completed more quests I got so many more epic powers and spells. While playing D and D, I came to learn that my imagination is one powerful tool because D and D is a visualization game.

 I did a lot of things at my house like play some video games. Playing outside, when I was outside I practiced my soccer skills with my dad. I also played some baseball, I hit a home run that went really far. I played a lot of Legend of Zelda, Mario and Pokemon.Pokemon is a game were you catch monsters and battle with them. I was undefeated in Pokemon and then my friend Sebi beat me in the game. But the only good part was that we had a sleepover so we could play all night.

I also played with my cousins when they came over from Tennessee. We played video games and I won almost every time while we were playing super smash bros brawl. My summer was the best and I loved it.

2 thoughts on “My Summer By Sam

  1. That sounds like you had a lot of fun at your camp! The only thing I would improve on is in the middle it kind of gets confusing in the middle but I make that mistake sometimes too. This writing piece was very descriptive and I enjoyed it a lot.

  2. Hi Alex,
    Thanks for the comment. I will try to make it make more sense. I will look at your blog too.-Sam

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