One for The Murphys By Eden

So far the book One for the Murphys is totally amazing. I really like how the author Lynda Mullaly Hunt gets into detail about every character. My favorite character is Toni. I like Toni because she has such a great attitude. I think that Toni has a great attitude because she can stand up to someone like a bully for her friend, when they had just had a big fight. Another really great character in the book is Daniel. At first Daniel hated Carley like and wanted her to leave because he felt she was not part of the family. Then Carley started teaching him how to get better at basketball and how to really believe in himself and he started liking her.

I thought the beginning of the book One for the Murphys was kind of confusing and boring. I thought that because the author was just piling up facts and facts about all of  what you needed to know for the story to make sense. These facts did pull you into the book so you wanted to read more, but for some reason they were still confusing for me. Now that we have gotten three quarters of the way through the book I am understanding a little bit more but some of the facts I think she did not need to add. I don’t think that Lynda Mullaly Hunt should have portrayed Carley as such a bully because she really is not, and she just really wants her mom back.

In the book, Carley just hung a little boy by his overalls on a tree because he hit Michael Eric. I think this was a horrible move that Carley did and I wish that it never happened because this was a little boy who she did it too and she never let him down. In the book it explains how Carley just leaves the boy hanging on the tree trying to get down and how she walks away smiling. In the book, Rayner, a kid who is a total bully started throwing carrots at Carley, then Toni walked over and started threatening Rayner and warning him that she will fight if she has too. Finally Rayner backs away. I think that shows how good a friend like Toni is. I am really excited to read the rest of the book.

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