Week #1 Blogging Challenge by Caidan

Activity #1

Online I am Caidin  for more formal websites. But on less formal websites I am Blaster 925 and in real life I am Caidin. So yes I do change if I am on the internet. Online I am kind of secretive because I don’t want people to know who I am. If I am on a blog however I talk about my life because that’s what you do on blogs. In real life as long as I know the person I just talk. Sometimes people tell me to stop talking because I talk for so long!

Activity #2

I chose this avatar, because I do Karate and I thought this was closest to karate. I got this avatar from Bitmoji

Screen Shot 2015-10-08 at 3.01.04 PM



Activity #3

Hi my name is Caidin. I am 11 and my parents names are Charles or Chuck and Christine. When I am not doing anything I like to go up to my room and play or read. I was born in Manhattan and I lived there till I was 6. Then I moved to  Poughkeepsie.

I have 2 dogs, and the bigger one is called Brew. The second one is named Pudge. I have 2 cats 1 named Cassie and the other is Oscar, 2 birds named Willie and Nillie. and 4 crabs. Buferd, Peat, Pearl, and Rolly.

My favorite instrument is the guitar and I love it. I have been playing since I was four. When I first started, I played Acoustic guitar but last year I started playing electric. I love math and science they are my favorite subjects in school. So that is a little about Me.

19 thoughts on “Week #1 Blogging Challenge by Caidan

  1. I like this blog because you go in depth about yourself. Also you put more stuff than I did in the plain about myself. How long have you been doing karate.

  2. I really like how you didn’t lie on how upyou act in person and real life. I love that your have lots of animals,and I also like the guitar. I just wanted to ask how can you have 2 dogs and 2 cats aren’t they always fighting?
    Visit our page

  3. Caidin,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. Online I also am secretive, and I only talk to people I know online as well. I have one dogs whose name is also pudge. Why did you name him pudge? We named him that because he was kinda fat when he was little. http://www.flags8.org/

  4. I like your avatar, it shows how you like karate, and maybe it even looks like you! I also have pets, I have 3 dogs, Pollet, Kenaii, and Venus, 2 Schnauzers and a German Shepard. I also have a bird named Kiro, a Cockatoo.


  5. Caidin
    Yo I can relate to this cause i have a pet but not like 20 of them, And how can you even memorize all of their names. Anyways check out our website its

  6. I liked how you explained a lot about yourself and your ok with letting everyone know a lot about you because that makes writing the blogs much easier. Your house might be very interesting since you have a lot of animals to feed and take care of.

  7. I really enjoyed reading your blog. You have a good description of who you are and the things you like to do. Your family and your friends must be very important to you. I can relate to you because I like music. I like to listen to music and one the the instrument I enjoy listening to is the guitar. Have you listen to the mariachi. Beautiful music


  8. Dear Caidin,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog and how open you were about you life! Great job on the details and explaining everything and being espesific!

    My class’s blog:
    – amacias25

  9. Hey Caidin
    I liked your avatar it is really cool and creative. I also have cats and dogs. I don’t know how you can have all those animals in one place though. That must be really tough. Anyways nice job on your blog.

    J. Lopez

  10. Caidin,

    The way you say you talk a lot to people who are your friends reminds me just like what my best friend does. Also you sounds like a really friendly person also because you have so many animals.

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