The Caller By Olive

The Caller

Prologue:  One  night  a  man’s  niece  was  babysitting, but little did he know it would change his  life. When the man was gone the niece set the house on fire. While this was happening the father was trying to call because it was their bedtime. And he kept saying “ Check the children.” Soon it was enough. He drove home and saw his dead kids in the fire. From now on, his spirit haunts that property with a raspy voice from the smoke.          


Lizzy, a 15 year old girl was babysitting. When the kids were trick or treating the phone rang. When she picked it up the caller said in a raspy voice, “SAVE THE CHILDREN!” and when the caller hung up she ran outside and started calling the kids. Since the rule was only trick or treating in the neighborhood. they came right over she said “sorry, just wondering were you were.”


It must be a prank call she thought to herself, as she sat down to watch the rest of the movie. The phone rang,  Lizzie let it ring until she heard the voice mail. After the beep she heard, “SAVE THE CHILDREN!”  She got scared and called the police. After she explained, and they said, “When he calls try to keep him on the phone,” and she hung up. When she hung up, the phone rang. She put the phone to her ear.

There was a soft and raspy voice it  said “SAVE THE CHILDREN OR I’LL GET YOU.” She screamed and ran outside. As she sat on the cold wet grass panting, the phone rang. She  picked it up. It was the police! A sigh of relief. They shouted at her, “Get the kids and get out of the house. The call is coming from inside.”

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