Week 3 Blogging Challenge Activity 3 By Alex

In my family we had some great memories like going to Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. I also loved all the holidays we spent together. The best thing that was with my family was I have to say was going to Costa Rica where monkeys jump on to your balcony but it was the rules not to touch them even though I wanted to so badly. Also I got to ride awesome waves and my family was just tanning while I hit the waves and I rode those waves like a boss.

I loved the monkeys and they were so cute! I wish I could go there again!

                            Picture by Alex  

7 thoughts on “Week 3 Blogging Challenge Activity 3 By Alex

  1. Hi Alex!
    I love how in you story, you talk about the good times you had with your family. It must have been so hard to try not to pet the monkeys! Did you take that picture? The monkey was in a cool pose!

    Kady, Davis Academy 6th grade.

  2. Activity by Alex
    This paragraph was a well written paragraph. I loved how you talked about monkeys, I also enjoy monkeys. I wish I could’ve been there too. I love to surf while my family tans also. I am glad that you had a great time in Costa Rica.

  3. Alex,

    Costa Rica sounds amazing, especially the part where you rode the waves. If a monkey jumped onto my balcony I do not know if I would be able to follow the rule not to touch it.

    From, Matthew

  4. Cool holiday dude I like monkeys too I loved when u said that u wanted to touch them and it sounded amazing I wish that I can ride on the waves! I liked how u executed your story.
    Come check me out at my blog http://seanl13.edublogs.org

  5. My family calls me a monkey because of the way I act, and probably because I was born on the year of the Monkey. I also like to ride waves, most of the time I like the waves to crash into me.

  6. My family calls me a monkey because of the way I act, and probably because I was born on the year of the Monkey. Instead of riding the waves, I like the waves to crash into me.

  7. Hi Alex! You trip to Costa Rica sounds incredible. I am going to Costa Rica soon with my family. What was your favorite part?

    Aidan B

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