Letter to Denis- By Ana

Dear Denis,
I am a 6th grader at Poughkeepsie Day School and I am 12 years old. I watched your video and I am so inspired by what you did. I am wondering how you didn’t get homesick? What did you do to stay focused and keep going? If I was on that journey I would probably stop and sit in one place for as long as I could. I would want to really learn the culture. You guys went so far away from home for so long and never gave up.

Even ‘though you didn’t take the exact route that Marco Polo did I can understand why it was so hard. You had problems that Marco Polo didn’t, like getting Visas and all the fights with guns. It is cool that some of the places were still like when Marco Polo was there. For example, in India they prayed in the same places that they did thousands of years before. Each place was unique. They all had their ups and downs. I wish I could go on that journey too. I would probably get homesick but it would be so amazing!

You are so lucky that you got to do this and that you didn’t stop half way. I would really appreciate it if you came to my school to present what it was like on your journey, the story and the things that you learned. If you can’t do that  we would love it if you could Skype with us. If you can’t do that either then you could maybe come next year. My whole class loved what you did and hope you can come!



Blogging challenge 6 #7 -By Anna

Blogging Challenge #6

Technology has changed the way we work by letting us look at work that other people have done. We can also discover new things on one little device or use many devices at the same time. Instead of looking for a book on science you could go online and look up whatever you are looking for. There are also some problems with what technology is doing. Some people put out sites that have incorrect information. Sometimes when I am making a presentation for my class I look at a site that I think has the correct information and I make the presentation with the information from the site. Then it turns out the site had completely wrong information. Anyone can make a .com or .org site and they can put anything on the site. This means you have to watch where you get your information and always use .gov or .edu if you are looking for completely correct information.

There is another downside to all the new technology which is people get distracted. When you are working on a computer you can be pretending you are working but you are really watching funny cat videos or IMing your friend. It’s not very good and I think we need to find a solution to that problem soon because it is getting a little out of hand. We can now also communicate in different ways. We can text, we can call, we can skype etc. We no longer have an excuse for not doing something because we can do it even if we are sick. At my school we skype into class if we are sick. We do the same thing we would normally do except we’re not actually at school. Technology has many effects on the way we work. Some of the things are great but some are not so good. I think overall technology has had a good effect on how we can do different things.


Observations- Ali’s house

I’m in her bedroom. I see her mirror and her bed. She is making the craziest face I’ve ever seen. She has eyeliner that says I love JB (Justin Bieber), a beard, a mustache and weird eyebrows. We look at each other and laugh. She has a wall of Justin Beiber posters. It smells like candles and lip gloss which we were just smelling a second ago. I also smell the pink popcorn she is eating and the sweethearts that I am eating. I taste a sweetheart touch my tongue and it is tangy and sour. I think it is delicious. I feel the warm blanket covering my body and I start attempting the worm. I also feel the mustache, beard, line down my nose and the puffy black eyebrows. I hear her making crazy sounds and snorts as she also attempts to do the worm. She cracks up and falls off the air mattress. We are officially, crazy!

Picture Challenge – Tunnel- by Anna

It was the grossest thing EVER! It was a mix of tomato sauce and jelly. I had invited Evan over and we decided to experiment with food. We started mixing our favorite foods and so far it was just tomato sauce and jelly. He had chosen tomato sauce and I had chosen jelly. We thought it might end up tasting good because it was all good food. Judging by how bad it smelled and how gross it looked, this was not the best idea. We decided to try it just because we were so curious. When it touched my tongue my muscles suddenly tensed. I felt my nose crinkle as I let out a loud “GROSS!” then spit the mixture out.
“Why did we even try this stuff! It’s terrible!” I asked.
“Even I don’t know what we were thinking! It smells pretty bad too.” We both sat down on my couch and had a laugh attack about how stupid we were.
My house is really old and reeks of dead bugs. Almost everything is made out of wood and there are some nails still sticking out of the floorboards. It is pretty dangerous to walk around my house. There is also a humongous hole in the middle of my dining room. Why, you may ask. Well, it all started like this… My sister and I brought a mini trampoline into the dining room while our parents were away. We were seeing if either of us could jump high enough to touch the chandelier. I know what you’re thinking. Not so smart right? It was my sister’s turn. One bounce, two bounces three bounce, KABOOM! Big drop. I still can’t believe she fell all the way through the floor! Of course that was when we were younger. Now, my sister is going to college and being stupid has become normal for me. Oh, and the nails sticking out of the floorboards, that wasn’t just from old age, that was me too.

I was about five years old and I saw my dad hammering. I wanted to hammer too so I asked my dad,  “Can I hammer too?”

His answer was, “No. You’re just too young.”

Just like any five year old would I got frustrated and said, “I’m a big girl! I’m into adults!”

My dad had a motionless face and said, “No.”

I really wanted to hammer so I cried for hours about it. Finally my dad went out grocery shopping. It was my chance. I took the hammer and tried to hit the nails into the floor as my father did. I didn’t exactly know where to put the nails so I just put them in random places not knowing that nails were supposed to nail things together. I put them all over the hallways and in every room. What I forgot was that my mom was still at home. When she saw what I did she freaked out and called my dad. Pretty soon they were both freaking out over the phone together. My dad tried to get all the nails out but it was impossible. I had even put some on the walls.

Now I sit here laughing to death with Evan, and I think I was not so smart to do all those things but at least they give me some good memories. I think, I feel bad for all the people who always listened and weren’t as curious. They have nothing to look back on and laugh about. They have no big holes in their floors or nails sticking out of the floorboard. They don’t have sisters who would be courageous enough to jump on a mini trampoline just to touch a chandelier. Most of all, they don’t have a friend like Even to taste crazy creations with. In the end, I feel lucky to have this life.

100 Word Challenge by Anna

I opened the door and I saw the most terrifying thing I had ever seen. Right in front of my face was a six foot monster starring at me with cold eyes. I wanted to run but something about his eyes drew me closer. I realized my friend was trying to pull me away but I didn’t budge. It wasn’t until my mom screamed that I turned away. I was now in the monster’s grasp but I knew not to look in his eyes this time or he’d posses me again. Without the monster possessing me I got away quickly.   

The Wright Three Booktalk

Book talk for “The Write Three”
I read a book called “The Write Three” by Blue Balliet. The main characters in this book, Tommy, Calder and Petra, are about to go on an amazing quest to save a house called “The Robie House.” A week before, a construction worker had fallen from the roof of ”The Robie House.” The construction worker had said it was like the house was trying to throw him off and that the house had spoken to him.
When Tommy, Calder and Petra  go to the house, it seems like it’s alive. “The Robie House” is now going to be cut in half and taken to a museum to be used as an exhibit. On their way to saving the house they find out many things about the house and why it seems so alive. Read the book to find out the mystery of “The Robie House.”

The Wright Three – Book talk by Anna

Book talk for “The Write Three”
I read a book called “The Write Three” by Blue Balliet. The main characters in this book, Tommy, Calder and Petra, are about to go on an amazing quest to save a house called “The Robie House”. A week before, a construction worker had fallen from the roof of ”The Robie House”. The construction worker had said it was like the house was trying to throw him off and that the house had spoken to him

When Tommy, Calder and Petra  go  to  the house, it seems like it’s alive. “The Robie House” is now going to be cut in half and taken to a museum to be used as an exhibit. On their way to saving the house they find out many things about the house and why it seems so alive. Read the book to find out the mystery of “The Robie House.

Challenge #10 – By Anna

Challenge #10

Since September, I have posted 10 posts. They were all either school based topics or set by a challenge. I got 5 comments in all. I got 2 comments from classmates, 1 from a family member and 2 from students at since September. I have posted 5 . They were all either school based or set by a challenge. I got 5 comments in all. I got 2 comments from classmates, 1 from a family member and 2 from students at other schools. The post that received the most comments was the Scary Story post which got 3 comments. I think it got the most comments because it was a really interesting story. It was interesting because it was scary and there is a lot of suspicious things in it. I enjoyed writing the Scary story the most because it was fun to start from scratch instead of having something that you had to write about. We changed blog themes every week because each week there was a different assignment. There are a lot of widgets on our blog and I think that is good because I think widgets are fun and entertaining. I have a lot of blogs on blogroll. I think that our blog is awesome! schools. The post that received the most comments was the Scary Story post which got 3 comments. I think it got the most comments because it was a really interesting story. It was interesting because it was scary and there is a lot of suspicious things in it. I enjoyed writing the Scary story the most because it was fun to start from scratch instead of having something that you had to write about. We changed blog themes every week because each week there was a different assignment. There are a lot of widgets on our blog and I think that is good because I think widgets are fun and entertaining. I have a lot of blogs on blogroll. I think that our blog is awesome!

Challenge #9 by Anna

Challenge #9

Cats are definitely my favorite thing. They are just so cute with their fuzzy fur, their rough tongues, their little noses! Sometimes I just can’t take all that in! Cats are really friendly too. They like to sit in your bed with you as you stroke them and they purr. Some cats, like my cats, have special talents. My cat Rocko can play the drums and run races. My cat Jasper can play the guitar and print things on the computer.

Name: Kim
By: Abdulmajeed Al.mutawee
From: FlickrCC






Cats are really athletic and will jump at anything swinging. When people have cats they usually buy toys like catnip mice, feathers or just use string to swing in front of them. It is so fun to watch the cats bat their paws at the toys because they move so fast and swift. Also, sometimes they get confused and flip over and go crazy on the ground swatting wherever they can until they notice that the toy isn’t there anymore.

Cats are sometimes show cats. Show cats are judged in a contest on how healthy they are and how they look. If they look good enough and healthy enough they will win a prize! Most of the cats that compete are pets but some aren’t. The cats are separated into breed standard. Although I don’t think that my cats could ever be show cats, I still think they are the best cats in the world. I love cats!