Thanksgiving Observation Story – Aydin

It was late afternoon; I was sitting in the living room watching TV. Then, something caught my eye — what’s this? It’s a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed animal with pupils unusually large. But this ‘animal’ wasn’t just any animal; this animal was a cat. It was black and white and it appeared to be in a weird shape. It was laying down flat with both of its back paws moving (left, right, left, right) and its front paws looking ready to pull it forward. As another cat walked into the room (this cat was just black), I can see what the other cat on the mantle is up to. For a brief second the other cat looks at the cat on the mantle, and then…POUNCE. The cat on the mantle jumps down and pounces on to the other. They start vigorously fighting. Claw, claw and over and over the cats clawed at each other. That clawing eventually became grabbing and throwing and full on tackling.


It was deep into the fight, and the completely black cat had tackled the black and white one onto the ground. The black and white cat grabbed the completely black cat’s neck and fully rolled over while holding on to him. This turned the whole fight around, making the black cat on the ground, and the other cat on top. This kept going on — there were RAWRS and hisses, swings and misses. This fight had gone on much too long; somebody had to put a stop to it.  I stand up tall, look at both cats and make a big sound as I stomp on the ground to stop the cats from fighting. Both cats look at me and jump about five feet in the air and run like  cartoon cats out of the room. I am now satisfied. I sit back down in my comfortable leather chair and watch TV to the sound of birds outside.


Edublogs Challenge Week 7 (Activity 5) – By Aydin

Edublogs Challenge Week #7 (Activity 5)

 I don’t really think my digital footprint is THAT bad. Of course, there are definitely things that I have done on the internet that I regret, like posting mean comments to people or mean comment replies to someone. Basically everything I do now on the internet is fine. Sometimes I do good things, like leave positive comments on peoples work or videos. I do that mostly with my friends that make stuff like youtube videos to make them feel good/motivated, I feel good after I do that. If I were forced to choose positive over negative over one another, I’d choose positive. Even though as I explained earlier I have done some bad things on the internet, my digital footprint is made up of mostly things that are positive. POSITIVE. Because of this, I think I would be comfortable with my great grand kids looking through it.

Edublogs Challenge 9a Activity 1

Amazingly Awesome Japan

I have always really wanted to go to Japan. It has cooler and more advanced technology, but that’s just one teeny bit of a huge reason my friend. In this post, I’m going to tackle some cool things about Japan that make me want to visit even more, and may even make you want to go there.

1. Technology –

 Bullet Train –

Japan has some really amazing cool and advanced technology. The first thing that interested me was the bullet train. The bullet train (clearly stated in the name) goes really fast – 200mph to be exact. This train also has a certain look that I think is cool.


 Picture from Wikimedia commons under creative commons license

2. Medical Research –

 Japan also happens to be very ahead of the USA in medical research, with that making more or better cures for certain illnesses. We have medicare and medicaid problems and people that need life insurance don’t have it. All in all they seem to be much better than us in the medical department.

 3. Technology consumers love to buy –

Japan’s popular tech is very interesting. Companies like: Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, JVC, SHARP, Canon and Nintendo are all Japanese. Japan also seems to be the place to make tons of cars that we use. All of the latest video games and consoles usually come out weeks, months, and sometimes even years in Japan before North America. Sometimes Japan makes amazingly cool toys that use very simple tech that is easy for anyone to use.  

  Cute little Japanese toy from Flikr under Creative Common License

4. Food  –

Japan has really good food that I think is much better than the food we have here in the US. Here are some really good foods that Japan has to offer.

 Soup –

Japan has an amazing selection of soups. This selection includes: Miso soup, Butajiru soup, Cream Stew, Chankonabe soup, Egg drop soup, Harihari-nabe soup, hoto soup, Sukiyaki soup and much more. My personal favorite is Miso soup. Miso soup is a very traditional Japanese soup that has a stock called dashi that has softened miso paste mixed in to it. Depending on location, type of person, or just what someone thinks tastes good, there are different types of miso paste used in miso soup. These types of miso paste include: aka miso, shiro miso, and awase. I’m not sure what kind of miso paste is put in the miso soup that I eat, but whatever it is, it’s really good.                                                                                                                      

       Picture of miso soup from wikimedia commons under creative commons license

 Noodles –

Japanese is also known for their really good noodles. Some Japanese noodles are: Ramen, Shirataki, Soba, Somen, Hiyamugi, Udon and some more. I personally haven’t had any of these noodles, but people that I know that have had these noodles seem like they really love them. The most basic noodle and the most similar noodle to what we have here in America is the Ramen noodle. The Ramen noodle is a wheat based noodle made from wheat flour, salt, water and kansui, a form of alkaline water.

5. Candy –


Candy in Japan is so awesome it really deserves its own section.


 HI-CHEW is one of the most popular candies in Japan, and is also quite popular here in the US. HI-CHEW is a fruit flavored chewy candy that consists of many flavors. These flavors include: Green apple, Mango, Orange, Cherry, Strawberry, Grape and more. At first HI-CHEW may seem like gum, as every piece is very thick, and has to be chewed long to swallow. Some people even suck on HI-CHEW it’s so thick. But, the thickness of HI-CHEW is a good thing because it tastes REALLY good.

 Obscure candy –

Japan is know for some of it’s very obscure candy. These obscure candies include: Grass flavored Kit-Kat, Squid Flavored candy, and even Man Smell flavored candy. Most of these candies are more gross than obscur

So there you go. A few things that make Japan the “Amazingly Awesome” country that it is. I love Japan and am so eager to go there. I hope that one day, I will be able to go to Japan.



Works Cited: for Kit-Kat information and picture used for pictures  used for pictures Used for information  Used for pictures

GRAOOMM Post ~ Aydin

GRAOOM stands for Global Read Aloud and Out Of My Mind. Out Of My Mind is a book that our school along with many others is reading for the Global Read Aloud Project. Our school has already collaborated with another school in Canada about Out of my Mind. Out of my Mind is about a girl named Melody who suffers from cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disease that causes  PHYSICAL  Disability to a human. In Melody’s case, she can’t walk, talk or use expression. This makes life extremely difficult for her on a variety of levels. The big problem is that nobody understands her MENTAL strength. 

In Out of my Mind, a girl named Melody has to fight extreme judgement and cerebral palsy. As I said before, nobody understands Melody’s MENTAL and assume she’s mentally weak based on her PHYSICAL appearance (people think she is retarded). The whole point the book is just because people are bad physically, they’re NOT  bad mentally. In the book, melody has to face teasing, name calling and unfair comparisons. Melody also has to go through the envy of having a baby sister that can do everything Melody Can’t do. Melody’s baby sister can walk, talk, make expressions, she’s normal. Throughout Out of my Mind The main character: Melody proves that she is smart and proves that she has feelings too, that she could succeed! Out of my Mind is an amazing book, I’m very happy that PDS is reading it along with the rest of the world.

Edublogs Challenge #5: Human Rights ~ Bullying

Bullying is a very serious problem around the world. Bullying is when one person (or many people) do something to be mean to a particular person or group. There are many different forms of bullying: Cyber bullying, insulting someone, tormenting someone, teasing, etc. Some people get bullied so bad that they commit suicide (there have been millions of suicides because of bullying). Racism also plays a pretty big role in bullying. For example, someone may get bullied just because they’re black or because they’re Asian. Another common victim of bullies are small/skinny people or “nerds.” The main reason these types of people are bullied is because of their size.


Picture from Schoolwires, inc. Link here


Bullies think because these people are small, they’re easy targets. Bullies will also bully someone out of insecurity. Basically, the bully will do anything they can to make a person feel bad. These are just acts of desperation by the bully. They want so bad to be better than another person that they try everything possible to make themselves feel like they’re better than this person/victim. Sometimes people will pick on someone


Nobody, black, white, Asian, or Latino, should be bullied. Every human has the right to be treated the right way.


This seems to be a strange coincidence, but October (this month) happens to be Bullying prevention month. To learn more about bullying and help to stop it visit this link:

#BAD13 #13stubc




Canstruction – Activity 2 ~~~ Aydin

Edublogs Challenge #4  

My school (PDS) helped hundreds of hungry people in the Hudson Vally by doing something called CanStruction®. CanStruction® Is a fundraiser that feeds the hungry like this: Any school, or organization can enter the contest if they want. The contest is a competition about who can make the best structure out of cans. PDS’s structure last year was a snowman. When finished, all structures will be on display somewhere (Galleria

PDS Canstruction Picture by S Rinaldi
PDS Canstruction
Picture by S Rinaldi

mall last year) and people can vote on which structure is the best. How they vote: With CanStruction®, you have to vote with cans. Each structure has a box beside it that is used for putting cans (votes) in. Whichever structure has the most cans wins a trophy. Then all of the cans from the structures and the cans that were used for voting are donated to the hungry. The builders of the structures always have lots of fun doing it plus  they’re feeding the hungry. I think PDS made a smart choice in choosing to do CanStruction®!

Checkout CanStruction®

A day in the life of: •Aydin•

Edublogs Challenge #3

In the morning, I  get up at 7:00 to go to school. I go downstairs and eat breakfast. I usually have bacon or serial and I then go back upstairs and get dressed. After that, I brush my teeth, and pack my bag. After that, I usually have free time for about 20-30 minutes. During this time, I usually go up to my room and browse the internet play videos games on my TV. I also have to walk the dog in the morning.

When it’s time to go, I get my bag and get into the car to go to school. Getting to school only takes about 5-10 minutes on a normal day. Then of course I get to school.

School starts at 8:15 — at this time I have advisory. In advisory, we usually talk about how the day (or week) is going to be like or just standard school talk. Another thing that the middle school does in the morning (8:15) is middle school meeting. In middle school meeting, we just talk about what the next couple of days will be like for the whole middle school. Usually a school day takes about 7 hours including breaks. There are 45-90 minute academic and arts classes (Math, Science, Spanish, Humanities, etc.), and 25-40 minutes of break/lunch times.

At the 25 minute break, I (and most students) just go to the cafeteria to get some snacks (Cinnamon buns, Muffins, Bagels, etc.) and hangout. After break, I usually have a 90 minute academic class. Next is lunch (40 minutes). At lunch the middle just eat lunch and go outside or stay inside (optional). For lunch I usually have steak or whatever the cafeteria has to offer. Then, it’s common time or a 45 minute academic class.  

Common time is basically a block where we can stay in the middle school learning commons and silently read or do homework. I like this period!!!

Image provided by:

After that, I pack my bag and head to my moms office to drop my stuff off, school is over. After school I have to stay for an extra 1-2 hours because my mom works at the school. During that time I usually go to the after school and play with other kids that are in after, or just stay in my moms office and do homework or play games.

 After that, I go home, do homework and then I just have free time for the rest of the night)(I usually go to sleep).

Image provided by:

About my Town ~~~ Aydin

Challenge #2

I’m Aydin and I’m from the town of Poughkeepsie. Poughkeepsie is a great place to live. It has the Poughkeepsie Journal, the oldest newspaper in New York state. It has Vassar College, the first Women only college in the country. It’s centrally located in New York state, so all of your favorite attractions surround you.  It has a nice community as well. It also has a great school by the name of Poughkeepsie Day School.