One for the Murphy’s – Heroes – Ethan

Who do think are the heroes so far in One For The Murphys and why?

The heroes I think are in One for the Murphys are Carley for taking care of the boys especially Michael Eric and also Mrs. Murphy for taking Carley in from the foster home and caring for her. I would not forget Jack the firefighter as he rushes into burning buildings to save people or just put out the fire.

Week #3 Challenge Time for a Break

 Time for A Break

 I have played two games, Refugees in Sweden, and Stop a Disaster. Refugees in Sweden is a very sad game, it is where you have to keep your Refugee camp safe the militia. The whole point is where you have to find water where there are military people in trucks. Or you could grow crops using the village water and when the military attack you have to rebuild all the houses that were knocked down.

 Now the game Stop a Disaster is where you can choose a disaster and you make defences using your $50,000 budget. You also have challenges like, build a hospital, and build two Hotels. When you have a low budget you can press a button that says Start Disaster, once the disaster starts you see what disaster it is and the Disaster appears and ruins the little town. Then a newspaper appears and you see the results and how well you did.

Monkeys – Ethan

It was a snowy day here in London, England. The year was 1948, and I was just climbing out of bed to sell the morning Newspaper. Once I was out the door I heard a very interesting sound ‘CHING, CHANG, CHING, CHANG!’ It was the sound of the The Cymbal Monkey outside the Antique Store! I always wanted to buy this monkey because its sound was so perfect. I only needed five more Pounds, thankfully each Newspaper cost One Pound. Once I got to my spot, immediately I got seven Pounds! I finally had enough to buy The Cymbal Monkey…

I ran to The Antique Store, looked in the window and there was The Cymbal Monkey. I gave the clerk eight Pounds and he gave it me. I ran home as fast as I could and I quickly showed my parents my new toy and went to my room. I wanted to hear how it sounded, so I turned the monkey over and flipped the switch on his back. The eyes glowed bright red, but its sound was so perfect. I turned the monkey off and went downstairs. That night after supper as I laid in bed I heard ‘CHING, CHANG, CHING, CHANG.’

I rose to see The Cymbal Monkey, at the foot of my bed playing its song. Suddenly my Monkey ran at me, playing its song like a mad man. Smashing my head with its Cymbals! I grabbed the Monkey and threw it out the window into the garbage can. Right then my mom came running up and she saw my room, how messy it was, and she grounded me! I told my friends but they thought I was crazy. That night I was about to fall asleep, then I heard a ‘CHING, CHANG’ I screamed!!


Summer – Ethan

My summer was very interesting. First, my dad, my brother, and I went to South Carolina where we went to North Myrtle Beach, and many other places in South Carolina because we have a house there. At Myrtle Beach, my brother and I could go 75ft out into the water and it would still be at our knees, but when the waves came in it was brutal! My brother and I were being tossed around, while my dad was on the beach laughing hysterically.

 The next day after that mess my dad bought me a bb-gun and we went to the railroad tracks and set up targets, and my dad, my brother, and I shot like pros (pretty weird because none of us have ever held a gun before.) Then we went to miniature golf at the boardwalk, which was a blast! After golf we all went to “Magic Quest”, which is a big building inside of which is a game where you are magi’s (wizards) and there are different levels and bosses. We were there for two hours.

 Then it was time to go back home to Red Hook where I had a theatre camp awaiting the next day. The camp was  “Peter Pan” and I was cast as Peter Pan [the boy who doesn’t want to grow up]. The performance was at The Rhinebeck Center for Performing Arts. After that little play I tried out for the “Real Deal” play which was Peter Pan again (also at the Center), and I was cast as John Darling, (the oldest boy), which should be fun. Then once auditions were over my whole family, and I went camping with our camper out in Amish Country in Pennsylvania and in the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts.

 First was Amish Country, and since we were in Amish Country we saw A LOT of Horse and Buggies, which was interesting. But our campground was amazing, it had a water park, laser tag, miniature golf, and so much more. The first day we were there we traveled around the camp ground in our rented golf cart to see what was there, later in the day we all went to the water park for three hours. We went to the water park every day, but some days we went to laser tag, miniature golf, also an Amish town where that night we went to the best restaurant in the universe, Millars, their food was delicious.


Then we went back home for a couple of days, then we went to the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts where we went to another campground that was not as nice, at all. We did not spend a lot time there, we really just went to Boston because we we only there for three days. In Boston we went to Quincy Market and a lot of shops, then we came back home to get ready for Poughkeepsie Day School the next day. That ends my crazy summer.