My Opinion on Twitter – Sam

Twitter is a nice tool to get to know new schools and new things, but the privacy is a little iffy. It’s a fun tool for kids but there are pretty inappropriate things on twitter. So I don’t really think twitter is the best tool for kids, but it’s still pretty well-thought out. Teachers can easily use twitter to find other schools but small kids might not be able to handle the responsibility of it. Also, to find new people it can be both, nice and bad. The fact that people can choose any name, and any picture as their avatar, a kid can click something, thinking its something school-worthy but finds out its a person advertizing something. The only real way to find out if a twitter account is on their, actual site.

WW1 Poem – Sam H

1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4, hut,
Walk and walk and walk, follow the road.
Win or lose, die for your county is pride.
Difficulties come along,
Gas, Gunmen, Mines,
The troubles they go through,
To come back to their family and hug them.
Not all shall come back though.
Many died some lived,
Waiting at the door, for them to come in
Or a man with a telegram to tell you the news
The pain when the men went to war,
But the pain when they didn’t come back.

A Good Dog by AVI – Sam H

Bark! Imagine keeping a wolf as a house pet. In the book, A Good Dog by AVI is in the perspective of a dog named McKinley who finds his dog-friend living with a wolf in a forest. His human pup (Jack) wants to find that wolf and keep it as a house pet. The townspeople want to find McKinleys dog-friend. Read how McKinley saves his friend from humans, keeps the wolf wild AND MORE!
In this book, AVI (the Author) always has something interesting happening so the reader never gets bored.

Dreams for Schools – Sam H

Our Middle School
I have noticed that the trashes have been overfilling, and litter on the floor around them. My dream is that the middle-schoolers throw out their trash in an appropriate trash can. Littering not only makes the school look bad but it gives the cleaning people a harder job. Some ideas I have of how to fix this is that the teachers and students can work together and combine ideas. We might even need more trash cans.

Worldwide Schools
My dream for worldwide schools is to have a proper homework system. I think separate schools should have a homework limit. I have noticed, and friends have told me that when a teacher gives a huge assignment due the next day, another teacher would do the same and overflow with homework. I think teachers need to talk to each other and know what they are assigning to their students.

The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan – Sam H

Imagine living like the Ancient Greeks. Imagine when you kill a monster, they come back to life. Is this a good life or a bad? The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan includes various main characters. Each main character is a demigod with an amazing back-story. The Evil Earth Queen is rising from her grave and this group of demigods must stop her. There are many troubles in the way on their journey. There are many things to be found out on the way. The author makes this book into a movie in your head. Getting more interesting every paragraph.

A demigod is a person who is Half-God and Half-Mortal

Greek Mythology – Sam

When I hear, Greek Mythology, the first thing that comes to mind is (fake) Greek stories that have to do with the Greek Gods/Ancient Greece. I always loved the Greek myths because they all mostly include; adventure, action, romance, gory and royalties. My favorite story is probably the Trojan War and when Odysseus went back to Ithaca and tried to win back his wife from (what I would call) aliens*. Greek mythology are stories from Ancient Greece when people believed in Gods. There are so many stories to read and all of them are great stories.

In ancient Greece there were many gods. There were 12 main gods called Olympians. The three brothers are the top gods in the chain. The three brothers include Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Zeus is the king of gods and the ruler of the sky and lightning. Poseidon is the god of the sea. Zeus and Poseidon are both Olympians. Hades is the king of the underworld. Zeus didn’t want Hades to be in Olympus because Hades ruled his own kingdom. He was only allowed to go to Olympus for special meetings.

I really do love Greek mythology and when It was the main subject in school, that had to have been my favorite year.

*Aliens – By that sentence it means people from other places. ‘People outside from Ithaca.’

Caine’s Arcade – Sam H.

Blogging Challenge 3

Imagine having your own arcade with cardboard games. There is a boy named Caine, and his father owned an auto part store. Everyday after school Caine would have to go to his father’s auto part store and wait for him to close up to go home. Caine got bored and he came up with an idea to make a cardboard based arcade. After he was done he had a small amount of games and no customers. A man named Nirvan walked by and saw his arcade. He was bought a fun pass for five dollars. He played games as if he was a kid. The next day Nirvan asked his father if he could make a short film of Caine’s arcade and his father said yes.

Nirvan wanted Caine to get more customers so he put it on Facebook, Reddit and some other social sites and soon enough Caine got over 100 people coming to his arcade. After Caine’s school ended, he rode to his arcade and his father’s auto-part store and saw a lot of people there and he was speechless. After that Caine had customers every day and made some money too.

The reason I told you this story was because this is a place I really want to go to. I want to play his arcade and play cardboard games as if it was a modern electrical arcade. I also want to see how much it has evolved. But if I could go anywhere in the world, this would be in my top 10 list. Here is the link to a video by realTVfilms about Caines Arcade:


Grendel’s Mother – Sam H

I am a fierce monster, for no human has ever slayed me. But now I seek revenge, for a man named Beowulf has killed my son. He came to the Danish land, thinking he had all this might. He seeked the light to slay my son. He didn’t think of his family but I, the Mother of Grendel shall kill the human named Beowulf, but I won’t go to him. He will come to me.

I waited in my cave underwater. I readied myself for battle. As I heard a ‘SPLASH SPLISH SPLOSH,’ I hurried to the cave entrance and saw the man just come in. The man who slayed my son, The man who killed my family. This was the man who deserved to die. He lifted his puny sword and tried to slash at me but the sword simply ricochet off my chest. I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him to my eye level. I was about to strike with my other hand as he forced my hand to open by pushing with his hands. He threw himself at me sword first. I knocked his sword to the side of the cave and he followed. He groaned and I hissed as I lounged on top of him. I punched him in the neck and he kicked me back. He was bleeding from the mouth, he wiped it away and threw away his sword. The sword reflected light onto me and Beowulf took a good look at me. He saw me, 9 feet tall black hair covering my body. I had a wolf’s head and extended human body parts. As he was staring into space I slapped his full body and he hit the ground. He was breathing heavily. Then he yelled out, “YOU SHALL NOT GAIN HONOR FROM THIS!” He stood up and charged full force at me and knocked my straight to the ground. I didn’t realize he was this strong. He then picked me up and punched me in the stomach. I coughed blood and tried to get away from his grip. He punched me one more time on the shoulder and I kicked him off me. I realized he gained notice of a previous failed-champion’s sword. It was a huge master piece of the most rarest metals of them all. It was the only blade that could pierce me. He ran toward it but I knocked him away. Then he hit me in the leg. I couldn’t move.

Beowulf had paralyzed me. I couldn’t feel my legs. He picked up the sword. He slowly walked towards me, I was helpless. In my head I was thinking over and over again, ‘For one more time my son, we will be united.’ Beowulf sliced towards my head and after that, it was all black.

I was in a totally white place. Ahead I saw a blurry palace. As I walked towards it everything started to turn red. I tried to get away from it, but I was being forced to. I stopped and had full power over my body. I was at the entrance of the palace. The Dark red palace that had blood dripping from the top. At the doorway I saw, my son. He was smiling and so was I.  We were going straight into each other for a hug. But as we got closer my son dissolved. I was on my knees crying and someone put their hand on my
shoulder. I turned around and I saw a man, the devil. He was looking into my eyes and pushing pain and sorrow into me and I was transported to a different place. A field of green and mirrors. Mirrors were everywhere. ‘This must be hell,’ I thought to myself. Whenever I looked in the mirror I saw my son crying. I was eternally cursed by the devil himself.

I started to go crazy. I learned to control my anger and when I looked in a mirror I saw Beowulf. I would break the mirror in one punch. Soon enough all the mirrors were broken. I was in a never ending plains. Once again the devil made a presence. I growled and he understood what I said. ‘STOP THIS, WHY AM I HERE?!’ I told him. “You are here because you gave birth to a monster that killed one thousand men, innocent men. You raised him and fed him and he became a hell fury. Right now he is in a box. Flying in a never ending field of black. He will feel pain and starve. But he won’t ever die,” the devil told me. I hit the ground on his knees, begging to spare my son. “Under one condition,” He said. “You will give up your spare life into Beowulf. You will no longer be existent and Beowulf, the man who killed your family, will be two times stronger. This is what you must sacrifice, and your son will live in my palace, next to me. Are you willing to do yes?”
I thought and thought. ‘I will do anything for my son, no matter what happens to me. I will do it,’ I thought.
“Very well, your wish is my command.”
My existence had ended.

“The Power Of We” –Sam H

Blog Action D

What can we do together? Make a flaming taco, create the worlds best airplane, make an engine from scratch and create a five hundred page book. If one person works with another, they can accomplish anything. I remember that one year at PDS, students (including me) made a giant painting of a forest with birds and a waterfall. The first draft of the painting looked like lines with wings which were going to turn out as birds and circles everywhere which were the beginning of rocks and waterfalls. The final draft of the painting was a detailed painting of birds flying, birds catching fish, birds in nests, birds drinking, birds on rocks and more! This was about a 4 x 2 meter long painting. A project that was chosen to be done by some students were to make a fiction book about some kids going to a school. The first week of working on this included 1 student and was 1 page long. The next week it included 3 students 5 pages long. The next following weeks it including 10 students, and over 10 pages with over 5,000 words. The power of multiple people can go from an idea of making a 2 centimeter paper football to making a 10 inch throw able football.