Final Blogging Challenge – Yasmeen

Taking part in the 2015 Blogging Challenge was a nice experience. There was always something new to do each week along with learning something new. I got to learn how to use Compfight, I learned how to make an avatar, I also learned a lot of new things from other people’s blogs. I liked visiting blogs because in about a week or two I had a response. My favorite Blogging Challenge was where we got to write a little about ourselves and then we got to make an avatar. I thought it was a nice way to express myself, and for everyone on edublogs to get to know me. This experience is one I will never forget. Hopefully I will get to use the skills I learned from the Blogging Challenge and use them again some day. Here is the link to my favorite post. Also, my class and I got nominated for Best Class Blog and Best Group Blog. Thanks for everyone who nominated us and don’t forget to vote here for Shirley’s 6th Grade Class.7201994-122599800_4-s1-v1