Summer Blog Post by Ibrahim

My trip to California
On Friday, August 1st I left for the best vacation of my life! After a year of begging my parents to take a trip to California, they finally gave in. At last the big day was here, and my mom, sister, and I were sitting outside the gate waiting for the announcer to say the words that would be like candy to my sweet tooth! After a few minutes, we were safely on the aircraft and the pilot kick started the engines.

Two hours later, we had reached our crossover in Dallas, Texas. A stopover is the airport you stay in between between flights. After an hour of waiting, we boarded the plane to Orange County, California! We had reached the lit up city safe and sound. After a long car ride and a Malik Sisters (my mom and her sisters) reunion we reached our first final destination. We arrived at my aunt Samina’s house and it was great! After our first day, they threw a party to celebrate my cousin Naveen’s sweet 16. That same night (after the party) we set out for my uncle Tariq’s house in Corona, which is about an hour away. We finally reached his house at about 12 a.m. in the morning!

At uncle T’s house we had so much fun, I don’t even know where to start! My cousin, Rayan, and I had so much fun together. On the first day, we went to the beach. Aaaahhhhh! I have hydrophobia and have had really bad experiences at beaches. This time I was almost washed away with the waves but got up on my feet at the last second. That was a close one! I didn’t go near the water after that for the whole time at the beach. After a while we started playing cricket and I must say I was pretty good at it! As night fell, we left and ate at an amazing chinese restaurant.

After a few days we did something was really fun! We went to a place called Pole Position. It was the most awesome thing I had ever done… indoor go-kart racing! Halfway onto the track, it was me and my aunt Maliha, head to head! In the end, she won. But only because she had a faster kart. Another few days and a real birthday cakes candles were lit. They were my younger cousin Musa’s. He was turning 6 years old. We went to Chuck E. Cheeses to celebrate the occasion. We had so much fun even though most of us were way too old for this sort of stuff. We kept on rotating who’s house we were going to. One time at aunt M’s (everyone calls her ‘Meenu’) house, my sister and cousin Muhammad were watering plants when I walked out. I was immediately met with a wave of water in my face. I got real mad and by the time the plants were watered, our moms had to deal with three extremely wet kids! After a week, the best week of my life, my worst day broke out. It was Thursday, August 19. And Thursday, August 19 was the day I left California and set forth for New York…