Challenge 1 Activity 2- by Eden

Challenge 1 Activity 2

This is my avatar. I chose this avatar because it is a type of drawing called manga and I love drawing manga cartoons because they are fun and easy to draw. These are some things that are part of manga drawing  large eyes ,round head, tiny mouth, very detailed hair and if you look close you can see that she has very simple hands with no fingers. Another reason I chose this avatar is because I have blue hair and her skin is blue (don’t worry I do not have blue skin), also one of my new favorite movies is called guardians of the galaxy in it everyone has colored skin. I also liked her because she has a musical instrument, a guitar, and I play the violin. I really like this avatar. I tried another avatar also but I liked this one a lot better.Bwc9__8C6Q7NRpK8Ou6lTIvT9YEbjcPYyuIh9DiR5FVDiF5PJ_6eLzUeGf_vJNBHr28jiqF0x4nC8LGkEtmuLtUal0492fzvaMp3I73RYs1WqOjjHRyquMkVy6b0kqgGrw