All about me by Diego

About me

Hi, my name is Diego. I’m 12 years old, and I”m the oldest in my class. I go to Poughkeepsie Day school and started in 5th grade and I just want to say this is the best school ever!!! I’m fun and active and always ready to play. I love sports, and playing baseball, basketball and soccer. I’m also on a few teams. I like hanging out with my friends whenever I can. I try and play in my neighborhood but I usually have homework. My bus ride is an hour so I don’t get home until 5pm and by then there’s only time for dinner and homework. I like to find funny pictures or videos whenever I have free time online. I live with my mom my dad and my little sister and I have a nice house with a nice backyard in the city of Newburgh. I also have lots of pets including: two fish, a snappingturtle, two guinea pigs, and a VERY CUTE PUPPY.

Also FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. 🙂 and do what you want………… unless you’re told otherwise I mean… should.. try….

My puppy, Esther.