A Day In The Life Of Me (Diego)

Challenge #3

In the morning, I usually get up at 6 o’clock and have about 45 minutes before I leave to catch the bus at 6:45. My dad drives me to my stop and I have my puppy on my lap. I get there and get out, grab my stuff and hop on the bus with my sister. It takes about an hour and a half to get to school. When I get to school, I take my sister to her classroom and walk to the learning commons to say hi to my friends.

In the middle school, we use our computers for almost everything, and I guess tha’ts cool, but maybe one improvement could be using computers less and maybe other thing more. I’m just saying that it would be nice…… but no one would agree with me.

Our school does not have to wear uniforms which is soooo good. I would die if we had to. I don’t think there’s anything you can’t wear, Shirts with stuff on them, any type of pants, it’s really nice being able to wear whatever you want. At my old school you had to wear a blank shirt and black pants, so no hats, no hoods no nothing.

All about me by Diego

About me

Hi, my name is Diego. I’m 12 years old, and I”m the oldest in my class. I go to Poughkeepsie Day school and started in 5th grade and I just want to say this is the best school ever!!! I’m fun and active and always ready to play. I love sports, and playing baseball, basketball and soccer. I’m also on a few teams. I like hanging out with my friends whenever I can. I try and play in my neighborhood but I usually have homework. My bus ride is an hour so I don’t get home until 5pm and by then there’s only time for dinner and homework. I like to find funny pictures or videos whenever I have free time online. I live with my mom my dad and my little sister and I have a nice house with a nice backyard in the city of Newburgh. I also have lots of pets including: two fish, a snappingturtle, two guinea pigs, and a VERY CUTE PUPPY.

Also FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. 🙂 and do what you want………… unless you’re told otherwise I mean…..you should.. try….

My puppy, Esther.