No School Post by Manny


I did not lose power for this whole time believe it or not, even though we had a massacre snowstorm which took out a lot of people’s power in my neighborhood. I did lose Internet for three days straight.

On Saturday morning I was at my sister’s friend, Lauren’s, Bat mitzvah. The morning ceremony was the  initiation, and was being held at The Woodstock Jewish Congregation. My family and I read prayers from the Torah and Prayer Book. It was a very special time for Lauren and her parents cried.

After that my family and I along with the rest of the group, went in to a separate part of the building and ate. They served bagels and salad. There was also an after party at a restaurant called Terrapin. It was really fun because there was food (also bagels), and a bar at which was all free! I ordered about 10 sodas. Later there was dance party and dinner. For dinner there was this weird food that I don’t know the name of it. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The next day, Sunday, I just played in the snow and had a giant snowball fight with my dog! I won because I pegged him right in the face but then he bit me really hard. After that I went inside with Russell, my dog, covered in snow! When I say covered I mean COVERED!!! Russell had snow all over him and it almost looked like he was a white dog!! He shook it all off on me! Then my mom came and took the dog and gave him a hot bath…. She gave me hot chocolate and put mini marshmallows in it just the way I like it. I lost Internet so I couldn’t do my homework but at least my family still had hot water and heat. I really like power outages because me and my sister play flashlight tag in the dark and it is SO much fun!!!!! Unfortunately, we didn’t lose power. I tried to sled outside but even though we got a foot of snow and the snow was too thin once something was on it. My Internet came back on at about 6:00 P.M. so I could do my homework.

On Monday IT WAS HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!! I spent the whole day up until 5 pm carving pumpkins, eating candy, and preparing for Halloween. My dad showed me this funny video called Fire Marshal Bill. At 5 pm my two friends, Owen and Jason came over and we went out to get candy. We had a lot of fun when there were houses that had a bucket full of candy outside their house…….. I got a lot of candy!!!!!! That night I watched TV and ate some of my candy.