Coco The War Pup – By Olive

I woke up, my shoulder was sore from the uncomfortable nap time mat. I look around, and it’s dark and cloudy outside. The sun gives me just enough light to see. All my friends are still napping as I sneak around trying not to make a sound. I look in the room that all the teachers are in, CREEK, oh no, I forgot about that floor board! I start to sprint back to my mat. I hear footsteps, almost there, come on, I jump. I landed hard on my mat, I groaned. The pain was shooting from my side and up all along my body. But I keep it together and pull the covers up and close my eyes. My heart was pounding like a horse’s hooves against a hard gravel road.

My blanket is pear green. and my mat was cerulean blue. The footsteps got quieter, and I finally hear teachers talk again. I get up and hide in the empty cupboard and call the teacher. She walks in and looks around, she starts to come towards me and I made myself as small as a little rubber ball. She looked at me and told me to get out and be quiet.

I got out and walked, slouching like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I got to the shelf and grabbed a coloring book and crayons. I sat on my mat and colored. The book already had scribbles on it but I found the perfect page, It was a beautiful rose with a leaf design all around it. I grabbed the pink and started, but then i stopped. I looked up and saw my mom in the big window, finally pick up time.

She opened the door and the teachers came to sign me out, FREEDOM, I yelled in my head. When we were walking to the car my mom said that she had a surprise for me. It was a cute stuffed little dog. It was a dark brown with a tan snout with a line up the head that stopped right at the ears. I loved it, I named him Coco.

“He looks like Pepper mom!” I said. We drove home and showed Sam, my brother. I sat for hours playing with him. “Coco needs a friend.” I exclaimed as I climb up the ladder to Sam’s bed. I grab pancake. (Sam’s stuffed animal)  And I played for a little longer time. Soon I had to go to bed. I was very tired.

A couple of days later I really wanted Pancake for myself. So, I went on a mission, I thought that it might take a couple days, or weeks, but I know I can do it! I started to sleep with Pancake in my bed, after one week my brother gave in. “I got Pancake.” I whispered to myself. “Finally.” I made a fort and played with all my stuffed animals as a celebration. I was called for dinner and left them all on my bed.

When I got back I saw pepper chewing their ears. I called my mom and I was in tears. Coco and Pancake were ripped. Coco had a hole in his ear and his string mouth was ripped, same with Pancake’s ear but it also had a small rip in it. (Coco is a stuffed animal by the way) My mom told me to calm down and to say that they got in a fight or something.

I thought for a while and then I had a idea! They came back from the war and were happy to see the rest of their stuffed family.

This taught me that even if you’re in a bad situation you can always have a happy ending.

The Museum of Natural History By Isaac


The Museum of Natural History

By Isaac

Steggy byronv2 via Compfight

“Ughhh, are we there yet?” asked my brother for the billionth time, when he could have looked out the window, but he didn’t for some reason. I couldn’t blame him, he was only about three years old (two years younger than me). Actually, he wasn’t the only unhappy one. Mom just read the museum ticket prices, and they weren’t pretty. She had this look on her face like she had just seen roadkill or something, but the prices may have been more gruesome. Just then we arrived. We all hopped out of the car, and onto a pathway to a majestic old building, which was looking proud of its splendid design. I couldn’t wait for what the museum may contain.


We finally got in, and entered a huge room, with crazy stuff hanging, maybe 5 floors high. There were immense glass-paned windows, stretching to infinity. Where would we start? We decided to go down a flight of stairs to the gift shop, and saw a bunch of loot that me and my brother liked the looks of, and almost got left behind from staring so long. We passed a food court, but we weren’t hungry yet. There wasn’t much I thought I would like, so I started planning on what “culinary delight” I would have for lunch.


We got back to the big room, and saw a cool exhibit about time. It was a spiral pathway winding down from near the ceiling, and I followed it down with my eyes, only to get to the bottom and see, “WRONG ENTRANCE”. The entrance must be all the way at the top! And to there our journey began.


The first room really surprised me. I expected some old dusty museum exhibit of an ancient artifact or something boring like that. Instead, I saw monsters rising up to the ceiling, but they were only bones. These were dinosaur skeletons! Even though they died 65 million years ago (as it said on the signs), these still looked like they wanted to kill the others. But, there were more peaceful looking ones, herbivores. These dinosaurs were big, but wouldn’t hurt the others. Some had bones missing, which wasn’t that great, but I thought it must be really hard to dig up these bones, and hard to find them, and I cut them some slack. I tried to put myself in the shoes of the paleontologists, trying to dig up these behemoths, and I found some huge dinosaurs!


We were moving at a moderate pace, and we were stopping to look at some dinosaurs, but we just walked past some. I didn’t really know how to pronounce the names, but by the time I started to put the prefixes, suffixes, and roots together, we were on the next floor. This one was like an ocean room, and had an enormous whale hanging from the ceiling! I thought it may fall, but I guess that was an irrational fear. It was secured tightly, and from the looks of it, had been that way for a while. I was really scared walking under it, even though I shouldn’t have been. I wondered how it was held up. Glue? No, that couldn’t be it. It had to be stronger. Magnets? No, those could move. I always thought magnets were neat, but couldn’t do everything. What was the substance that could hold such a massive object that wouldn’t take down the entire roof?


While I was thinking about that, we went down to a lowered surface with tanks of real sea life! I saw an exhibit about saltwater making flowing tubes in ice water in Antarctica or something, but I was too focused on that whale. We saw a bunch of tanks and saw a cool map of where modern ohio used to be located, near the south pole! I didn’t really understand how it could move, and mom didn’t really know. I guess that was a question for dad. We went back up, and were happy with all the sea life that we saw, but then we saw lots more living creatures.


Up to the 4th floor we went, and my brother ran ahead of us and into the room. This was a cool room, because there was a ton of wildlife. Apparently, some animals made threatening sounds to my brother, and he backed off from the hissing of snakes. It was almost like a maze in there, with tanks arranged on tables in random patterns, and me and my brother ran around, and almost ran into a tour guide. Of course, my brother blamed it on me, as he does a lot. We were almost lost! Thankfully, we were near a bunch of clear tanks, so seeing through them to our parents was like taking candy from my brother.


Sadly, that was tough, just like taking candy from my brother’s secured candy bag. You see, we weren’t really tall enough to see over the tanks, even though they were clear. All I saw was wobbly wooden tables. Then we followed some other people that started at the other end of the room, and we were out, back to where we started. Then I wondered to myself as my parents took me to the next floor, those people started at the other end of the room. Could they have just been on the fifth floor, and went up the cool spiral thing? I abandoned the thought, because it would make me feel more and more stupid if I kept thinking I missed the entrance. Darn, I thought about it again!


We made it! The fifth floor! Time to check out what this ramp to the ground is! I started to walk down, and kept walking and walking. I noticed on the outside wall it was showing time periods of different lengths with some helpful numbers and pictures. The big bang happened 13.5 billion years ago? I couldn’t fathom that number, or the next one! 5.4 billion years ago was when the earth was made? I thought it was made by god, not masses of rock forming together. We saw a lot of lava and black rocks for a long time, and finally we started to see some variety. There we found the first living creatures that lived in oceans, like trilobites. I couldn’t imagine life had been around that long, and when I thought of life I thought of humans. Boy, how wrong I was.


This walk wasn’t as walk-like as I expected. With all the people going down, you were getting ushered along very quickly, and it was hard to see the signs. Since we were moving down the ramp  and were going up and down to see the signs, it looked like the signs were swimming by like fish. The whole experience was ruined, I thought.


Finally, the traffic settled down and we were able to read the signs again. It looked like we had went down the timeline about 50 million years. The first amphibious creatures were crawling onto land about now, and I thought humans must come soon. My dad had told me 65 million years ago the dinosaurs died, and I watched a cartoon show that said humans rode dinosaurs, so it should happen soon! I kept my eyes on the wall for about 10 feet, or a couple million years, and we got to the first reptiles and insects. We saw the start of the Permian and Triassic periods, where some of the dinosaurs we saw in the big room started to come around! I started to recognize even more through the Jurassic and early cretaceous. We walked down a while and got to the ice age period, and that went on for a very short period of time, relative to the dinosaurs. Apparently there were five major glaciations that happened over the earth, each section about the width of your finger. I finally looked down, and we were almost at the bottom!


I thought they forgot the humans! They must have put them with the apes and other mammals. At the very end of the spiral ramp, there was a hair. I thought someone must have snagged it in the display, but the hair was titled, “Human Period” and I knew what the whole purpose of the ramp was. It was like I just cracked a code. The displays on the ramp were to show us how long the universe, the earth, life, dinosaurs, and all those things have been around for, and how humans have been around for nowhere close to that time. That was crazy, and I didn’t believe it. I asked my mom if it was true, if we had been around for that short of a time. She said the graph was accurate, but we had still been around for nearly 3 million. With my mind blown, we headed off to lunch.


I tried a “calzone” that was just a pile of cheese and sauce, with some sauce-soaked bread under it and some meat in it. It seemed like my family got the same kind of thing, but at least my mom and my brother’s lunches were arranged properly. We walked around a little, but the café was packed tight with kids on field trips from neighboring schools. It was hard to move, but we made it into the gift shop. There were a lot of cool toys there, and boring books and all that junk. there wasn’t much I wanted, but apparently something caught my mom’s eye. It  was a bunch of miniature magnets, all spherical, that you could bend into any shape that came to mind, or at least a lot of shapes. They made a cute little ‘snap’ when you put them together. They were called BuckyBalls. I wondered why they were called that, and thought dad would know. They were amazing, and I knew they were exactly what dad would like. So we bought them, and explored a little longer. We didn’t find anything else in the museum that I was really interested in, and we left.


A while later, we got back home, and dad really loved the BuckyBalls, and he wanted to get at it right away. Me and my brother each had turns playing with them, but them we noticed that we didn’t have all o Continue reading

Scratched Eye By Maya

Scratched Eye

                                                                          By Maya

Let's Do 52 :: 34:52 :: SharpCreative Commons License latteda via Compfight

The pencil scratched on the paper making a gritty sound. It was allergy season. The pollen was so bad you could see it in the wind. I was drawing the pollen that I saw outside on a piece of paper. The pencil top fell off. I felt like the pencil was a person and his head had fallen of. At the time I thought that was very disturbing. All the windows were open and my eyes were itchy. I got up and closed all the windows. The windows made a sound that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. A shiver ran up my spine. I itched my eyes and I itched a little to hard… I screamed in pain. It felt like someone stabbed me in the eye. My dad rushed upstairs. He saw me crying and holding my hands over my eye.

“Maya what’s the matter!” He said in a worried tone.

“My eye!” I said through the tears. He moved my hands away from my face. My eye looked weird.

“Were going to the hospital.” He said.

When we were in the car my eye was itching like crazy. It felt like one thousand mosquitos had bit my eye. I itched my eye again. It felt like someone stabbed me in the eye. I howled in pain. Finally after the torture in the car we arrived at the hospital. We ran like we were running from zombies to the entrance. We were in the waiting room for a long time. There we’re a lot of people in different conditions. One person had been in an accident and had bloody scratches all over his face There was also an elderly women.  In the distance I heard something going BEEP in a metallic sort of sound. I didn’t like it.

When we went to my hospital room I kept looking on either side of me. I saw a lot of people in different conditions. In one of the rooms I remember, there was an old woman in a bed and a lot of people around her. They we’re carrying her out. She wasn’t moving. I was shocked. I didn’t know that hospitals could be so scary. After a walk that felt like a tour in an abandoned asylum with creepy photos of old patients, we got to the room. A doctor came rushing in. All I remember was that he looked like a whale. He looked at my eye and said,

“Your pupil is scratched.” After that my mom came rushing in.

She screamed “What’s the matter!” The doctor said again in a calm voice, “it’s a scratched eye.” My mom plopped me into her lap and said, “It’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay” over and over again. She stroked my hair. Dr. Whale said that he needed to take a closer look. He opened my eye again. The air felt like ice to my eye. I screamed. He said he was going to send a prescription to my doctor. He gave me an ice pack for the long journey. The ice helped a little. It was like chamomile tea when you have a sore throat. The drive felt like hours. When we got to the doctors office, she said that she had sent the prescription to Sam’s Club, which was where the pharmacy was.

We all groaned. My eye was starting to hurt a lot. It also was itchy. It was like on of those stingy itches that you get, but it went on for two hours. Also the ice pack was getting warm. After we started the excruciating drive to go to Sam’s Club I felt like a grain of sand, getting kicked and pushed around everyday. I was exhausted. I fell asleep in the car and got woken up again only to be brought into Sam’s club. The line was very long. I felt like everyone was in line to get the last sip of water. After that I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. My mom came and made me take my medicine.


 I woke up. I went immediately to the bathroom like I had for the past 2 weeks and 6 days to check on my eye. It was all better. I ran upstairs and woke up my mom and told her. She  laughed and fell back asleep again.



My personal narrative – Annie


“I’m so excited to see Nanny!” I thought. My parents and I were in the car driving to my Nanny’s house. It was a rainy drizzly morning, but that’s normal for England. It felt like I was in the car for days because I just wanted to get there. I waited and waited and waited.

Finally we got to a little home in a little neighborhood. It was just like I remembered; you see I hadn’t seen Nanny in a while at the time. “Finally! We’re here! ” I said as I ran up to Nanny and Poppy’s front door. Knock, knock, knock was the sound my knuckles made on the door. I was about to explode with excitement! “Hold on Wait up, Annie!” My Dad said. Of course my parents are still way behind me being the slow pokes that they are.

The door swung open and there was a woman standing in front of me and my parents. “Nanny!” I cried, I was so happy to see her. “My little Fairy! I missed you.” said my Nanny as I embraced her into a big hug. “I missed you too!” I said. Incase you were wondering she calls me Fairy because I’m little. I liked that she called me that.

We sat down on the couch in the living room. It was comfy, but that didn’t matter to me because I was next to Nanny. “Where’s Poppy?” I asked.

“Poppy’s upstairs, He’s not feeling too well. You can say goodbye to him before you leave.” Nanny answered.

“Okay!” I said still really happy to see Nanny.

“Let’s go to the Kitchen, Annie. While your parents are in the dining room you can help me make Chicken curry.” Nanny said.

“Yay, I love your chicken curry recipe. Daddy makes it at home!” I said happily. The pot boiled, the pan sizzled, it smelled delicious. “Mmmm, smells good is it almost ready?” my Mom asked.

“Not yet Mommy! Almost though.” I called.

Nanny and I grabbed two plates each and took them into the dining room. The chicken curry smelled so good. My stomach growled, it was like it was saying, “Put that delicious food in me!”. Everybody was silent as we ate the curry. It was so good we didn’t have time to talk we were so busy shoveling food into our mouths. “The is so good you guys!” said my Mom. “Thank you deary, but Annie did most of it.” said Nanny, I blushed.

After we ate we went back to the living room and Nanny started to tell funny stories about my dad when he was little. Those stories were hilarious. Then my dad said, “You know Annie, when I was and I was bad Nanny would pull my toes. It hurt!” Nanny laughed. A wave of fear rushed over me. “You’re not going to do that to me are you?” I said in a scared tone of voice.

“Of course not!” Nanny said reassuringly.

“Good, I don’t know why I thought that.” I said with a sigh of relief.

Sadly we had to leave. I went upstairs to say goodbye to Poppy. He was in bed, I crawled in and gave him a hug, “Goodbye Poppy, love you!” I got out of the bed and went down stairs. I gave Nanny a huge hug and said “I love you and can’t wait to see you soon Nanny!”

“Same to you my Fairy!” Nanny said. “ Bye son,” she said to my Dad.

“Bye Mother,” my Dad said lovingly.

We walked to the car. I was very happy to see Nanny. Then it hit me, “I’m really tired!” Then I fell asleep in the car. It was a good day.


This is a picture of a stuffed animal my Nanny gave me:

Photo on 10-19-15 at 4.02 PM Her name is Quackers! I got her form my Nanny, When I was 9 months old for my first Easter! She came with a bunny but I lost the bunny.

Personal Narrative bye Olivia

                                           Gammie’s Surprise



`Hurray hurray! I can’t believe that it’s my birthday! Hopefully I will get some good gifts!’


It was a bright sunny morning when my mom walked in my room with a tray full of breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. “Mmm” I  said, really excited to eat. I ate and I ate until I couldn’t eat any more. This is a good birthday I thought to myself. I walked down the stairs excited to see all of my family, when I realized that the only person awake was my mom! Maybe this wasn’t going to be the best birthday.

Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 6.45.06 PM Picture from pixabay


I waited and waited.It felt like hours and hours so many dreadful hou- wait…. “what was that?” I saw my dad walking down the stairs. My dad loves hugs so that’s exactly what he did. I pulled away as soon as I could because I’m not so into hugs. Plus I was eager to see what presents I had gotten. Before we could open gifts at our house, we got in the car to head to Rhinebeck. Every year (for the kid birthdays) we go to my grandparents’ house (on my mom’s side), and give gifts. My aunt, my uncle, and my cousins all sit around the table and whomever’s birthday it is puts on a crazy fabric hat with fake candles on it. After, we all sing happy birthday (in the craziest voices you could ever imagine), we open gifts and spend time with the family. After, me and my cousins Liam and Luke usually play soccer. We have such a fun time rolling on the ground trying to protect the ball, tackling each other, slipping and sliding, and other fun things like that.



Later in the day we started to head back home. I was happy to be with my two sisters Emma and Julia. I had gotten so many good gifts and had such a fun time with my family. But my birthday was not over; I still had to open the presents on my dad’s side! I was very excited to see my other grandmother’s gift. She always has awesome presents and I don’t get to see her very often, so it’s a special thing for her to give me something. But this year she gave me something even more special.



When I got in the house I was so excited to see what they had all gotten me! I was also excited to open their cards because I love writing them cards back. I opened my aunt Beth’s gift I and I was so happy to see that she got me a bag with horses on it! I was so happy because I love horses and have two of my own!  Now it was time for Gammie’s gift! (my grandma). I opened the card and it was a cartoon of a girl on a horse and it read something like “ Dear Olivia, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and hope all your birthday wishes come true.” I loved this card just as much as I loved aunt Beth’s! Now it was time for the gift. I opened the package slowly and carefully. I could not believe what I had gotten!



Gammie had gotten me a locket! But it wasn’t just a locket, it had my name on it! I jumped up and down with joy! I was so happy. I decided to keep it in my mom’s engagement box, which had been passed down through the generations. My great grandma, my grandma, and finally my mom.

Overall this had been a very good birthday and I’m super excited for my next one!