My personal narrative – Annie


“I’m so excited to see Nanny!” I thought. My parents and I were in the car driving to my Nanny’s house. It was a rainy drizzly morning, but that’s normal for England. It felt like I was in the car for days because I just wanted to get there. I waited and waited and waited.

Finally we got to a little home in a little neighborhood. It was just like I remembered; you see I hadn’t seen Nanny in a while at the time. “Finally! We’re here! ” I said as I ran up to Nanny and Poppy’s front door. Knock, knock, knock was the sound my knuckles made on the door. I was about to explode with excitement! “Hold on Wait up, Annie!” My Dad said. Of course my parents are still way behind me being the slow pokes that they are.

The door swung open and there was a woman standing in front of me and my parents. “Nanny!” I cried, I was so happy to see her. “My little Fairy! I missed you.” said my Nanny as I embraced her into a big hug. “I missed you too!” I said. Incase you were wondering she calls me Fairy because I’m little. I liked that she called me that.

We sat down on the couch in the living room. It was comfy, but that didn’t matter to me because I was next to Nanny. “Where’s Poppy?” I asked.

“Poppy’s upstairs, He’s not feeling too well. You can say goodbye to him before you leave.” Nanny answered.

“Okay!” I said still really happy to see Nanny.

“Let’s go to the Kitchen, Annie. While your parents are in the dining room you can help me make Chicken curry.” Nanny said.

“Yay, I love your chicken curry recipe. Daddy makes it at home!” I said happily. The pot boiled, the pan sizzled, it smelled delicious. “Mmmm, smells good is it almost ready?” my Mom asked.

“Not yet Mommy! Almost though.” I called.

Nanny and I grabbed two plates each and took them into the dining room. The chicken curry smelled so good. My stomach growled, it was like it was saying, “Put that delicious food in me!”. Everybody was silent as we ate the curry. It was so good we didn’t have time to talk we were so busy shoveling food into our mouths. “The is so good you guys!” said my Mom. “Thank you deary, but Annie did most of it.” said Nanny, I blushed.

After we ate we went back to the living room and Nanny started to tell funny stories about my dad when he was little. Those stories were hilarious. Then my dad said, “You know Annie, when I was and I was bad Nanny would pull my toes. It hurt!” Nanny laughed. A wave of fear rushed over me. “You’re not going to do that to me are you?” I said in a scared tone of voice.

“Of course not!” Nanny said reassuringly.

“Good, I don’t know why I thought that.” I said with a sigh of relief.

Sadly we had to leave. I went upstairs to say goodbye to Poppy. He was in bed, I crawled in and gave him a hug, “Goodbye Poppy, love you!” I got out of the bed and went down stairs. I gave Nanny a huge hug and said “I love you and can’t wait to see you soon Nanny!”

“Same to you my Fairy!” Nanny said. “ Bye son,” she said to my Dad.

“Bye Mother,” my Dad said lovingly.

We walked to the car. I was very happy to see Nanny. Then it hit me, “I’m really tired!” Then I fell asleep in the car. It was a good day.


This is a picture of a stuffed animal my Nanny gave me:

Photo on 10-19-15 at 4.02 PM Her name is Quackers! I got her form my Nanny, When I was 9 months old for my first Easter! She came with a bunny but I lost the bunny.

Never Let Yourself Regret by Ryanne

We smacked into one of the cars and wind hit our face. My dad was driving like someone trying to run away from a bear, but kept smashing into walls. The cars had a dodge ball cannon so people were shooting dodge balls everywhere. Lights hit my eyes, it felt like I was going blind. I wished the ride would never end. You probably think this is what my whole story is going to be about, well you’re wrong.

 I got off the ride and ran to my mom.

“Mom, bumper cars were so fun. When a dodge-ball hit the front of the car, it would sound like a bomb.”

“That sounds really cool,” my mom said as she was fiddling with my pocketbook she was holding for me.

“When can we go to the Superhero Headquarters?” I was thinking of this store for a week and all I wanted was a picture I saw hanging in the store. I was really hoping it was less than $70. I had about that much money on both my Disney cards together.

“We can go right now,” my dad said, knowing I really wanted to go. We walked out of the building labeled DisneyQuest and headed to the store.

 We passed a bunch of stores on the way. My mom was one to stop and go in a store that looked interesting. She was like a bee looking for honey but stopping in a bread store because it looked cool.        I was really hoping she would not stop at any store. I was thinking even if she did I would probably pull her out and say we have to go to the Superhero Headquarters first. We passed a store called “Candy Cauldron”. They had so many sweets in there. In there was a whole shelf filled with decorative candy apples. On the top of the store I saw a picture of the evil queen stirring something in a cauldron. As I passed I smelled the fresh chocolate, it almost made me want to go in. But I made sure I would pass the store with no temptations so I could go straight to the store.  

 We walked passed about two more stores when I saw the sign in the distance. It said “Superhero Headquarters”. I got so excited I started to run while pulling my dad’s arm. I got in the store and saw the picture on the back wall. I looked around and saw Spiderman shirts on my left and on my right I saw the checkout station. I saw in front of me was a table with a lot of Ant Man stuff. There was also a lot of Avenger shirts everywhere. I walked around to the back and looked right at the picture. I was pointing to it so my dad could see what I was so excited about.

“That one! Look, isn’t it awesome?!” I was looking at him and back at the picture.

“That is a nice one,” I could tell he loved it as much as I did. Well, maybe I am exaggerating, but I could tell he liked it a lot. Then I looked behind me and my mom was coming in the store.

“Mom, look, I like this one!” She looked at it and nodded.

“Cool!” Then I heard the cash register ding and that reminded me…

“I have to ask how much the picture is! What if it is too much and I can’t buy it?” I was getting worried as I walked slowly toward the register.

“Hello, can you tell me how much that picture is on the wall?”

“Hi, that picture is $150, it’s a collectible.” I looked at him with blank eyes. I thought I would start crying right there, but I didn’t.


I walked over to my parents and they knew, because of my blank face, it was a lot more than expected.

“Why?! It’s $150 I can’t afford that! Even if I could it would be all my money. Should I just not get it?”

“Well it’s your choice. You decide if you want to count your money or just give up,” my mom said in a sweet voice.  

“Why try? I don’t have enough money and you know that.” I was getting mad, at this point I wanted to smash everything.

“I can see you want it, so you should try. You might regret it forever if you don’t get this picture.”

I knew she was right. I could see myself regretting leaving it forever.


“Okay, I’ll count. It probably won’t matter anyways because I don’t have enough.” We sat down on a ledge and started counting.

“So far $50, plus this 25 equals $75. Oh I have two Disney gift cards and two regular Visa cards. But I have no idea how much is on them.”

“I’ll check.” My mom picked up her phone and called the gift card company. She started to smile and looked at me then said,

“You have enough!”  My eyes light up and I started to jump up and down. My mom stopped me because we were in a public place.

“Lets double check,” my dad said. “We should count again just to make sure.”

“$50. Here is the rest of my dollars. Now count my gift cards please.” My dad’s eyes rolled up and I could tell he was thinking hard. He smiled and looked at me just like my mom did.

“You can buy it with about $10 left. Now comes the deciding part.”

“I will buy it!” I was so happy.


I walked in the store and told the man what picture I liked. I looked at each detail. Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Hulk, all in a line on the picture. I walked to the counter and started to take out almost all my money. I gave him all four of my gift cards and he said

“Enjoy!” I could tell he was surprised an 11 year old bought an $150 picture. He wrapped it in cardboard and I walked out with a big, bright smile. I still can’t believe I almost walked away without it.

I have learned you have to follow your heart. If it’s saying you love it, you might regret leaving it. No matter what it is you should go for it and at least try. DON’T LEAVE SOMETHING YOU LOVE, YOU WILL REGRET IT!                

Igloo By Neha

Have you ever known how it feels for your life to turn upside down in an instant? In 2013 I had major back surgery. It is called scoliosis and is a condition where your back isn’t straight. Anyway,  it started off on a cold January night, when me, my sister, mom, dad, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousin all went to New York City at the Belair Hotel. This was where my mom, dad, grandparents and sister would stay while I was in the hospital. The hotel was very close to the hospital so it was very convenient. Anyway,  when we got there we went to the hotel. I was nervous and scared for the next day. I slept at  the hotel the first night, but I would have to go to the hospital the next day. The hospital was like any ordinary hospital, it had a place for kids to play with things. It had the big round desk where all the nurses sat. The name of the hospital was The Hospital for Special Surgery. I was really scared, I had never had surgery before. I didn’t want to have surgery, but I knew it had to be done.


First I had to get a halo, which is a traction thing that got nailed into my head. It was also attached to a hook. You would add weights to it to stretch my back out before the surgery. The halo kind of felt like you were trapped because you couldn’t really do anything you could just sit and look straight ahead. Luckily since my parents were both doctors, my doctor let me go home in it. I was happy to go home. I think I was in the hospital for 3 or 4 weeks and knew I would be staying there longer for the surgery. So I was happy to return home for a while. A tutor came to my house because I couldn’t go to school. Her name was Laura. She was a nice lady, probably in her 50s. Basically what she did was,she went to my school, to my teacher (Mrs.Rifenburgh) and my teacher would give her work for me to do that she thought I would be able to do and Laura, my tutor brought it to me and helped/teached me it. Anyway, my back doctor was amazing, he was the best doctor I could ever have. He was so nice. He was a really good doctor. He goes to Ghana, Africa every year to do back surgery on kids who need it, and he does it for free. He does surgery on homeless people too. His name is Dr.  Boachie. He built this hospital in Ghana, Africa to help the  people of his country and his whole staff goes with him.


I was really happy when I came home, I still had to go to New York City for appointments and things. I had to get prepped for surgery before I even got the halo. I had to have x-rays, MRI’s, cat scans, blood tests and IVs. I had to have MRI’s of my heart and back because I had had heart surgery when I was 3 months. I also have to get MRI’s of my heart every 10 years. For me, I think that was the worst part because you have to go all the the way to New York City, wait for the time to go in and then get the thing  done.


Finally, it was time to get the surgery. It was on February 24 (I think) and was scheduled to be done at 5 A.M. I was so nervous, and scared. But mostly nervous. Anyway, the surgery went really well and we were all very happy. Most of the time I was half asleep and didn’t really notice anything but soon I was better. I have to say even though I had to lay down most of the time, having the actual surgery wasn’t even bad. I was asleep during it and after it I didn’t really feel any pain. I had to wear a brace and then after a while I went home. After I took the brace off I went for physical therapy to get back in shape, for example I had to stretch my back out a lot. I still do it to this day and will for the rest of my life.  Before I had my surgery and had the halo on, my mom brought this stuffed animal she got at a nearby drugstore. The stuffed animal was a white polar bear with turquoise eyes. On the tag it said the name was Igloo , so I just kept the name (I am not good at making up names.) I was so happy when my mom brought that for me because it was something I could hold onto and keep with me at the hospital.  

Now, I went to a back doctor appointment, except it was not with the same doctor, he has moved to Ghana , Africa and will be continuing his work  on patients there. I’m kind of upset because he changed my life and now all of a sudden I won’t be able to have him as my doctor. Now I have a new doctor, his name is Dr. Lenke and he is a very good surgeon. Anyway, I went for an appointment with him a couple weeks  ago and he said in about 2 or 3 years, I will have to have back surgery again. I will probably take  Igloo with me.  


here is a link if you want to learn more about scoliosis :