Week#7 Oink Harry! This is a blog post about pigs! By Maya

Pigs are very intelligent animals. They can do something once and memorize it forever. If you lead a pig through a tunnel with food they would know the next time that they did it they would get food. It’s really fun to train a pig and  I have done it before. Pigs are very cute. Some people think that they are so cute that they have pig shows! You can show off your cute little pig and get money. The most that you can win is $10,000!

Here piggy piggy piggy! Valerie via Compfight

Pigs love to be with their brothers and sisters. They eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom together. They can made a lot of sounds  to communicate. They oink, grunt and squeal. If one squeals ten times then that means it’s in danger, but if they don’t they are fine. Also pigs are mostly gentle creatures. If you start to pet them, they will immediately mark you as a friend. But if you run up to a pig or squeeze it too hard, it will attack.


Pigs aren’t usually in danger though, because they are omnivores. If you like bacon, ham or pepperoni, these are who your killing. Also here is something more depressing: In the UK they test new shampoos and soaps on pigs.  On a happy note, pigs have a GREAT sense of smell. They don’t have great eyesight and their noses is how they get their food

Playing dalmatian piglets

Tambako The Jaguar via CompfightCreative Commons License

If you want some fun facts about pigs go to: Fun Facts #1 and Fun Facts #2

Here is a little bit more extra juicy information:

Pigs are also known as hogs. Male pigs of any age are called boars and female pigs are called sows. Pigs are raised all over the world, and provide  products to humans, including pork, leather, glue, fertilizer, and a variety of medicines.