No school in the big snow storm

What I did on the 5 day weekend Challenge
On the weekend with no power, I was forced to not use electronics so since I’m learning guitar I practiced for hours on end. I learned how to play Psalm 100 and The Saints Go Marching In. I worked on Aura Lee too. I got to perfect the rifts from Forget You, Smoke on the Water and Peter Gun. I played my guitar in candle light when we didn’t have power. I got really good and now I can play them all almost flawlessly.

When the snow hit, I thought it was awesome then when the power went out I didn’t think it was that awesome. I went to a Halloween party when the snow was coming down and the snow was so heavy and wet that when my mom and I got to the host’s driveway we couldn’t get up the driveway. We had to stay only a hour or less because of the snow and we had to park in the train station adjacent to their house. I still loved the snow so ,I went out there in the snow and built a snow man. He had grass hair stick arms leaf eyes stick mouth and a staff that he held. He is still there in my back yard staring into the distance.

On Monday, Lukas, his sister Riley and I went trick or treating around Lukas’s development. I was an orc  – a green humanoid creature that is blood thirsty. Lukas was the grim reaper and Riley was a princess. We walked around Lukas’s development cutting across lawns to get to the next house. When we got back to Lukas’s house we sorted out our candy and played a little xbox.

To cope with the power outage, my parents and I heated our house with our wood burning stove and lit candles when it got dark. I had to read 14 pages of my science text book in candle light. Let me tell you it wasn’t a piece of cake. When our power came back on our internet was still out. At least I got to use my wii, I learned how to play wii basketball and  I’m not that bad at it either.

No School! By Anna

No School Challenge

There was no school for five days in a row! It was cool to have the weekend go a little longer but it was not all fun. My power was out because of the storm for four of those days we had off and it was terrible. Since there was no power, I had no idea what was going on in the in the world. There could be war and we would not even know it. It was also hard even to sleep. There was no heat so my whole family had to sleep in my living room, with an air mattresses and only a space heater to heat us.

As if that wasn’t bad enough. my dog kept stepping on us, rubbing his snot on us and getting up. We also didn’t have any water in our house so we couldn’t brush our teeth or take a shower. I felt pretty gross. On the second day we finally got to take showers at Vassar so we were clean. There was also an up side to the storm. My family got to spent a lot of time together instead of always getting home and going on electronics. Because there was no light, we got to use candles so that we could see. The candles looked really beautiful.

There was also Halloween. I dressed as Sally from a movie called, Nightmare Before Christmas. It was really weird on Halloween because there was snow and fallen tree limbs all over. It was also weird because we didn’t get to go to as many houses as usual. We usually stay up really late going to many different houses but we couldn’t because a lot of people didn’t have power. I thought that the days off were good but they were also bad. I liked it and kind of hope it will happen again.

My Experience Being Out of School – by Erika

Blogging Challenge

Since we have been out of school and have had snow, it has been pretty boring and horrible, because I lost power on Saturday evening. We had to get takeout food because our food at home was mostly, almost spoiled. On Monday, the temperature was really cold, and at one point it went down to 48 degrees! I had to sit in my hats, gloves, and my jacket since I was freezing. My feet got really cold, and that’s when my mom and I decided to stay in my dad’s office.

But when we arrived at home a few hours later, the power finally came back on just in time for Halloween! I didn’t want to go trick or treating this year because it was too cold for me to run around in the dark. So instead, I helped my mom hand out candy to the other trick-or-treaters. My mom and I decided that I could hand out the candy to the little kids with their parents or just them, and my mom decided to hand it to the older kids. Believe it or not, Remy and Cory, two boys from my class came to my house!

Anyway, even though I had a bad part of my break, I still had lots of fun handing out and eating the candy that was left over.  These were my experiences of being out of school.

No School! by Raiyaan

Here’s how my power outage went for three whole days… The first day the power went out we used flashlights as a light source until my dad got the generator running. Once the generator was running we tried to save as much power as we could by unplugging any unnecessary plug-ins. Once that was finished we had dinner, since the stove wasn’t working we had to use the grill. We  cooked some chicken and bread and ate it together. Then we fell asleep.
The Next morning,  my family and I got up, cleared the driveway from the snow, and just sat and talked. Occasionally my little sister and I would go outside and “try” to build a snow man or go sledding. My dad hooked up the generator to the T.V so we could watch since everyone in the house was so bored. We rented a movie called “Zookeeper”.On Halloween nothing really happened since my family doesn’t  celebrate it. We had about two trick or treaters that were out there actually trick or treating. So to pass the time, we just talked and watched T.V.After that my mom and my dad left to get pizza since we couldn’t bake anything. My parents  also went to get some gas for the generator. When they left they didn’t leave the generator on so my little sister, my brother, my grandma and me were all stuck and bored ’till my dad got back. Then when my mom and dad did get back they only put on the generator for the lights since it was night. Then we all went to bed. As soon as I stepped in to my bed the power came on and everyone was so happy. After that all happened I got up and did my H.W at about 11 p.m.

No School!!!!! by Erik

For three straight days now I have had no school!  Why?  Because of a little snow storm that knocked down a tree on to some cables so now our school has no power, for now.  What have I been doing you may ask so let me tell you about what I did.
On Sunday, the day of the snow storm, I was supposed to have a football game but it got “snowed out.”  It would have been our first playoff game.  We were going to play White Plains who beat us 31-0 two weeks ago. We lost power that day too at about 7:00pm.  Luckily we have a huge generator that can heat my entire house and give us electricity so we could watch t.v or cook dinner.  The bad part was that our generator had a problem so my dad and I went out to fix it.  It took an hour to fix but it was fun.  The only thing I had to do was shine a flash light on the generator so my dad could fix it.
On Monday I didn’t do anything all day.  I just did my usual stuff like play outside, video games, skype friends and etc.  This year I wasn’t prepared for Halloween so I didn’t go trick or treating.  I was going to be a turtle but I didn’t find anything to use for the shell.
On Tuesday, I invited my friends Charlie and Clay to come over to my house (they both go to my school).  We played outside and ate donuts all day long and had lots of fun.  We also played with Nerf guns.  It was Charlie and me vs. Clay.  I didn’t realize how good Clay was at Nerf because he beat us.  He was hiding in my bushes and using a rifle all the time.  Charlie and I tried sneaking up behind him but he was everywhere!  It was super fun.
On Wednesday, even if there was school I would have missed the first half of the day because I had an Orthodontist appointment.  It was just a check up though.  My teeth really hurt afterwards because they tightened my braces.
It was very fun and exciting at first to have no school, but then it got very boring after a couple of days.  This experience made me think about how much we need technology.

No School – Halloween by Cam

No School -Halloween

My experience of this crazy five day weekend started on Saturday when I was invited to go to a friend’s house for a sleepover. Sadly the people who invited me lost power unexpectedly and so I was unable to go. Although I wasn’t having a sleepover my brother, Ethan’s friend Sparky came over to our house to sleepover. It started to snow at about 10:00am at my house. At about noon we had 6-7 inches of snow. I made a snowman and I named him Jimmy, but he fell over when the snow started falling more heavily. By about 6:00pm we had lost power. By that time Ethan was already at my house so we were watching a movie when the power went out. Luckily, we had a generator. So it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be without power.

So Ethan, Sparky and I resorted to playing manhunt in the house in pitch black darkness. It was so fun and so funny and really scary when the hider would come out and surprise us. That night the leaves were still on the trees while it was snowing so the snow clumped up on the branches and that made the branches snap and fall so there were a lot of trees branches and breaking sounds in the yard. It was really frightening to see all the branches break. Some of those trees have been standing since I moved into the house 10 years ago.

The next day we dropped Sparky off at his house and  went out to lunch with my grandparents from Albany. After we had lunch I went back home and watched football and hung out for the rest of the day. We watched the Steelers-Patriots game.

The following morning was Halloween. Ethan and I went over to my friend, Emily’s, house down the street. We played in the snow and played video games. Than Ethan and I went back to our house because my mom came home from a business trip. While we were at our house we made finishing touches on our Halloween costumes. I was a Mutant Bank Robber and Ethan was Oscar the Grouch. Than, my dad came home from work and we drove down back to our friend’s house to go trick or treating.

We were joined by our usual friends who come over every year for Halloween plus Emily’s friends for the first time. The usual people who come overs names are Chris and Sarah. Chris is 12 and Sarah is 14. We have been trick or treating together since before I was born. Altogether, We had a Mutant Bank Robber (Me), Elmo (Chris), Oscar the Grouch (Ethan), a baby (Sarah), The Mad Hatter(Emily), a raccoon(Emily’s friend Ellie) and a Heavenly Devil (Emily’s friend Logan) all trick or treating together. We went around my neighborhood and ding-dong-ditched people. Ding-dong-ditching is when you ring the houses’ doorbell and you run away when they open the door. Then you can come out and scare them if you like.

After Halloween I was pleasantly surprised to find out Ethan and I had no school due to the power outage. We went to my great grandmother’s house and hung out there for the day. We basically played on the computer all day long and went outside. We did the same thing on Tuesday. There were a lot of branches still on the ground after the brutal snow storm so Ethan and I cleaned up most of the debris. And that was my crazy, snowy, sugar high, scary weekend.