Skype in the classroom by Stella

I think that using Skype in class could be very useful. I think that it could be a good way to communicate with other classes. I think that if we were able to get in touch with other classes from other countries who visit our blog then it would be great. I think that one way that it would not be helpful in class is if we are having Internet problems because of the amount of people using laptops at the same time. I think that if we got in touch with other classes from a bunch of different places then we could learn about how they teach and what differences and similarities we have with them.

I really liked Skyping with the class in MO. and I thought it was really interesting. I thought that the concept of talking with a class in a whole other state is really cool and a bit weird. I realized how different a classroom looks when they have individual desks instead of big tables and benches. I hope we can Skype with them and other classes again soon.

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