F.D.R. Trip by Anna

On Tuesday, we went to F.D.R in Hyde Park and learned a lot about salamanders and trees. Though it was really hot and mosquitoes were biting everyone, I still learned a lot. I learned that there is a certain way to determine if you can use a tree for lumber. The way to do it is get a prism that looks like doorstop and look through it. If the edges of the tree match up, you can use the tree. But if the edges of the tree over lap or if they are too far apart, you can’t use it. I also learned about how many different salamanders there are. In the area, there were mostly red-backs, but my friends Massimo and Cally found one yellow spotted ones, and some people found other kinds. My friend Sam and I found eight salamanders. I think the field trip was awesome and I really want to go again.

One thought on “F.D.R. Trip by Anna

  1. Great job Anna! I really liked your story. The part that I liked was when the two little girls pulled Ella into the TV. The only thing I have to say is that it’s a little confusing. Other than that, the story is great. I hope you keep on writing scary stories.

    From Samantha

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