My Passion: Art By Maya

My Passion: Art By Maya


I like to do art a lot. I mostly draw, but if I can I’ll paint. I usually draw depending on my mood. For example, if I’m bored I will usually draw a flower because there are so many types and the possibilities are endless. I can sit for hours and draw flowers. I even have a special journal for my flowers.

I also design clothing, when I’m feeling happy. I design clothing because I feel like if I ever make that career I feel like that I would have a lot of good ideas. I design shirts, skirts, pants, and dresses. I usually use color pencils and pencils for this. I make the outline of the dress and the design (if it has one) in pencil. Then I color it in with the colored pencils. I decide then if I want to keep the pencil outline. I usually do because if I don’t it looks very weird.

I also like to draw eyes. I draw other people’s eyes. I use TV shows, music, and movies for inspiration. If I want to draw an eye that’s sad, I watch a sad movie to see the sad in people’s eyes, their expression and the way their eyebrows are shaped. To make someone look sad you need to make their eyes shiny or very watery. Maybe a tear down the person’s cheek. You also have to pay attention to the eyebrows. Depending on where they are, how they’re shaped is the key for sadness. When I draw eyes I usually draw manga, sad eyes, and eyes that have secrets.

When I paint, I paint landscapes or abstract. I paint on small index cards. I have a lot of sunsets, trees, and random things. I usually paint sunsets, but in a very abstract way. I do random splashes of color and it forms into a sunset. I also connect the index cards. I made this thing called Tree (very original, I know.) It was twelve index cards that formed into one big tree. If you look at each piece though, it looks like a sunset.  I always have my drawing notebook and four colored pencils (green, orange, pink, and yellow), one pencil, and one sharpener in my backpack. I usually draw on the way home from school, or on the bus sometimes. I really like to draw and paint. You could call it my passion.

2 thoughts on “My Passion: Art By Maya

  1. Hi Maya! I love your story because you added so much detail. How you tell the reader that you pay so close attention to the real look of the things you draw and paint, for example the way you watch the movies just to draw eyes really typifies your love for art. I love art too! The details you put in your story really did paint a picture in my mind of what your art looks like, but I would like it just a tiny bit more if you included a picture of you art. I can not wait to read more of your awesome stories! Keep writing!
    Sophie, Quadblog TX

  2. Hi Maya,
    I like how detailed you are in your writing. I like to draw too. I agree with Sophie that you should post a picture of some of your art. But other than that great job. I can’t wait to read more.

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