Week Number Four – Part 1 Activity 2 – By Audrey

Week Number Activity #2

This week, I did the second activity on Mr. Bogush’s website where I googled myself. When I typed in my name, I got some mixed results.

I’ve searched myself before because I was curious, and each time I did different things came up. When I did it this time, one thing that I saw that I was happy about was the publicity for the book that I wrote. Before, there wasn’t much of a digital footprint, but now I see websites linking me to the book I wrote and I’m proud. Different websites have data about it, which I’m surprised about. I only thought it was on one.

Other than all of the posts about a woman with my first name in a town with my name in it, there were a few other things sprinkled in there. I saw a few presentations and a link to my Youtube Channel, which I don’t really have any feelings about. I don’t think they make a bad mark in my digital footprint, and all of the things I was embarrassed about I tried my best to make not public.

In conclusion, when I searched myself I did not find anything I regretted.I am very happy about that.

One For the Murphys – Hero Post – By Audrey

I think there are two heroes in One for The Murphys, and they are Julie Murphy and Carley. These two characters have done the most things that make me think they are heroes.

To me, a hero isn’t simply someone who does a good deed. The deed they do has to have a personal effect on me or someone I care about. In One For the Murphys, I think that a hero should have a good effect on one of the main characters. So although the dad in the story, Jack Murphy, is a fireman, I do not think he is a hero in this story because he does not have a heroic effect on a main character.

The first one is Julie Murphy because she helps people. Not just that, but Mrs. Murphy always cares about people even if they are mean to her. For instance, when Carley was rude in the beginning, she didn’t yell at her. She wants to know everyone’s story and she is one of the most understanding characters I know. For example, when Michael Eric got punched by the kid on the street, Mrs. Murphy comforted her son. Also, when Carley ran away, Julie went out to look for her and took her back in. Even just having the courage to host a foster child is heroic, because it is helping a needy child and she is doing what is right no matter what others say. In my opinion, doing what is right is always the most heroic action.

I think the other hero is Carley for many reasons. Sure, she can be rude and a joker, but there are some moments where she acts hero-like. Plus, she comes from a hard background, which means that she will still have some pain in her from before. This can cause some emotional aggression and sadness in people. But she was brave in that situation, and she got through it, which to me makes her a hero. Also, when Michael Eric got a seizure, she stepped up to help Julie with the Easter Baskets and putting the boys to sleep. She actually cares for Adam, Daniel and Michael Eric. Even though Daniel can be a brat, she doesn’t lose it with him.

In conclusion, out of all the characters in the book, I think that these two characters are the heroes because of their love for the other characters and their bravery.

Heroes In the One and Only Murphys-Eden

There are a lot of heroes in tons of books but some of the heroes in One for the Murphys are Michael Eric and Mrs Murphy. I think that Michael Eric is a hero in the book because when he gets back from the hospital he walked in the house and gave Carly a big hug. After he hugged her, he sort of changed her life and she started feeling like part of the family. Before the hug, she was being very rude to everyone because she really missed her mom. I also think that Mrs Murphy is a hero because she really loves Carley and takes care of her so well. Carley is very hard to take care of and never listens to anyone because she misses her mom. One thing that Mrs Murphy did that is heroic was when Carley was being really rude to the waiter  at the restaurant and Mrs Murphy but was telling her to stop but managed to keep her temper. In the book, it explains that it looks like Mrs Murphy is losing her temper but she still talking very gently to Carly. Most of the people in the story are heroes but Mrs Murphy and Michael Eric seemed the most heroic to me.

Book Talk – Elizabeth

The Castle Corona by Sharon Creech.

Do you sometimes wish you were a prince, princess, queen or king? Did you ever think that famous pop stars wish they were a little less popular? Well, it’s almost exactly the same in The Castle Corona by Sharon Creech. The royal family, King Guido, Queen Gabriella, Prince Gianni, Prince Vito and Princess Fabrizia each wish they were anything but royal.  In contrast, two peasants, Enzio and Pia wish they were royal. There are a lot of interesting characters in this book and the author really develops each character with their unique personalities. This book is really great because it connects the very different lives. Mysteries are unraveled and in the end everything makes sense.