The Scar by Ryanne

Signal Box Dave Wild via Compfight

It was Halloween night and they were getting their costumes when they realized they were alone.            

“Benchy, try to call them. We have to find our parents, and hurry!!”

“Scarlet, no one picked up when I called them.”

“Give me the phone, I’ll try,” As she dialed she shivered thinking about her parents.

A strange voice answered. The voice said, “You must be looking for your parents. Well, they’re at Halloween Park. Don’t worry, they’re fine. Actually, they’re not. Hopefully see you soon.” Then the voice hung up.

 “Let’s go Benchy!” Scarlet was headed to the front door.

“But that’s what they want us to do. It’s a trap.” He wanted to go save them, but he was scared. Scarlet gave him a nasty look and kept walking. Benchy ran after her because he was scared for her. When they got to Halloween Park they saw a huge globe. They saw their neighbors, two children and their parents in the globe.

“Benchy, come hide behind this box. We have to think of a plan.”

 They glanced at their parents as they talked. Then they noticed their parents disintegrating. Their bodies were slowly turning to soil. The man said, “Finally, my Halloween flower can grow. All they ever needed was the soil from humans.” They heard their parents last scream and they turned entirely into soil. Scarlet started to cry; she kept thinking she could have done something to help.

Benchy ran out. “Benchy, come back,” she whispered, but he could not hear her over his screams. Then, not paying attention, he was captured. As Scarlet watched her brother disintegrate slowly; she saw a knife and grabbed it. She sliced her arm, shoulder to wrist. When she touched the scar she would remember the pain they all went through that day.

The Mist by Caidin

The Mist

194 Le Rouge et Noirnebojsa mladjenovic via Compfight

On one Halloween night, as I pulled up into my driveway, someone ran up to my car and yelled, “ Don’t go in there! The history of that house will do you no good.” I thought nothing of it and went inside. Later I went to sleep.


I woke up in my dark room, heard an odd sound and thought about that person warning me. I shook the idea out of my head and tried to go back to sleep. Then there it was again. I just thought it was a mouse so I went back to bed. Then I heard it again but this time a red light came with the sound. It was emitting from under my door. I stepped down from my bed and a floorboard creaked. The sound stopped. Once it started again, it seemed like it was getting closer, and the noise was getting louder.


My muscles froze and I could barely breath. I saw the handle to my door turn and I ran and put my chair under it. Then I saw the mist coming through my walls. I was completely immersed in it now. It blinded me and I fell down. I tried to scream but nothing came out. The sound was beating against my eardrums. I felt claustrophobic and  I swore I saw a face among all the blaring noise and light. Then it stepped out of the red mist. I tried to run but the mist engulfed my feet. It felt like a cinder block and It pulled me in slowly.


I was sucked into the mist and it disappeared from this dimension. I was gone, forever stuck in the mist. I lost all memories. No person would ever know about this, until the next doomed person moved into this evil house.