I wake up that morning not knowing what we are doing that day, but I hoped that it would be fun. When I asked what are we doing today my mom told me. I was not very excited. I got ready to leave for the party. We got in the car to go to my sister’s classmates house for their party. The car ride was very long and boring.
When we get there I stood around for a little bit because I was a little shy. Then I got my swim trunks on. I walked over to the pool and got in. I swam to the other side, and once I was at the other side I was happy because I got there. I messed around with my sister for a little bit then I got out of the pool because I was getting tired.
I got a Hawian Punch to drink. I was sort of tired, so I plopped down in a chair next to my sister. I was very cold too. My dad then came over to me and my sister. He got his camera out and and took a picture of us. Later that day we got back in the car to go home. When we got home, I was tired so I lay down in bed.
Some time a year later or so my dad bought a new printer. He wanted to make sure it worked so he printed out the photo of me and my sister sitting in the chair together. That is how the photo was made.
My dad then gave me the photo, So I pined it to my bulletin board. Some people wonder why I have weird tattoos on my arms. Those are Japanese characters. I got the tattoos from my Dad’s Mom the day before. Obviously I did what any other little kid would do, I put them all over my arms.