I have always liked otters. When I was little I always wanted to be a one. I thought that the idea of being able to dart underwater and catch fish sounded fun! When I was at the pool I would practice holding my breath. These are some things I know about North American river otters. A North American river otter is a mammal that is a part of the weasel family. The weasel family is full of Mustelids, there are about 65 different animals in the weasel family. Some of the different members of the weasel family are, BADGER, WOLVERINE, FERRET. And more
You can Identify otters for their stout body, short legs, tapered tail and glossy fur. Otters stout body, webbed feet, flat head, and their closable nostrils help them get around and hunt underwater easily. Their eyes, ears, and nose are on the top of their head so they can see, hear, and smell better while the rest of there body is in water. Fur color can range from light brown to black, with a lighter, grayish colored chin and throat. River otters can be found in all watersheds of New York.
Otters eyes are shaped in a way that helps their underwater vision be sharper in situations where the water is murky. They use their ‘motion sensitive’ whiskers that help them cue in on prey location and movement. Although fish comprise the majority of their diet, amphibians and crustaceans and other aquatic invertebrates are also taken when available. They are mainly only social with there the other otters in their family. These are some pictures of some North American otters!
Photo by Olive