Global Read Aloud Out Of My Mind – Eden

Out Of My Mind

In school we are reading a book for the Global Read Aloud. The Global Read Aloud is where schools all over the world are reading the same book and getting in touch about it. One way our class connected about the book was through twitter. We had a large twitter chat. Our teacher went on to her twitter account and we (students) went on to our class twitter and she would ask a question and students and teachers including our class would answer.

For example some questions asked were, Who is your favorite character so far and why? Mrs. Valencia was a “tough love” person. Do you think that worked for Melody and why? My answer at the time for who my favorite character was, was Rose. Rose was my favorite because she didn’t care that Melody was disabled. She treated her the same. She had conversations with her, however at the time Melody couldn’t respond very well but now she can because of her computer. But Rose was nice from the beginning and I enjoy and appreciate that about her. Speaking of Melody’s computer, I think it’s great how she can now communicate. Before she wouldn’t have been able to tryout for the quiz team, but now she can. Melody is becoming able to do more and more thing and I hope it continues to go that way. The book is good so far and I think its a book that keeps you interested. It was a good choice for the Global Read Aloud.

Week 6 Blogging Challenge -Eden

Activity 9. Check out some of these games and websites about different cultures of the world.


While looking at some of the different games and websites, I found that Geography Games For  Kids was one I enjoyed.  I am not very strong in geography but I felt these games could help me become stronger. I like that not only was it U.S geography but it was global. If you’re looking for some good geography games I feel this is one site I would recommend.


Another game site I looked at was Games For Change. At first I was very confused what this site was about. What were the games for? I believe the link took you to the homepage of the site but I wasn’t even sure.  I tried to figure out what to do but was just stumped. I feel this wasn’t a strong website to help me learn. Maybe they can make it a little clearer by putting in a help page. I kept exploring the website and found there were some good games. It wasn’t easy to figure that out though. I started looking at the games and found, when you brought your mouse over the games, descriptions appeared. They were clear descriptions explaining the games. Then when you clicked “More game details” it brought you to where you could play the game. Overall the games were good but the website was confusing.

One more site I explored was Culture Quest. Culture Quest was a website that taught you about different parts of the world. One part of the world I looked at was Africa. I took a trip to Africa last summer. I found that on this website I learned more about Africa than I already knew. I now know the different flags, holidays, recipes, and games from Africa. Now the games were not online games, but were games you play with other people in person. I found that very good because most times when you find games on a website they are online games. I found it great that just from one site you could learn so much more. I will definitely visit Culture Quest again.


Back To South Africa- Week 9 Blogging Challenge -Eden

Back To South Africa

Week 9 Part A

Pictures taken by me when I went on my trip

I went with my family to South Africa over a year ago. We went on safaris and saw so many animals and learned a lot about wildlife. We went on day and night safaris where we saw diurnal and nocturnal animals.


After our adventures with safaris, we went to Cape Town where we were able to interact with people who lived in townships. I met so many people and great kids who I had a lot in common with. Our lives were so different but we enjoyed the same thing. We love to dance! They taught me their gum boot style dance, then I taught them some hip hop and jazz dance.

I would absolutely love to go back and study more in depth about the life styles and dance from the South African culture. I will go back.

Week 5 Blogging Challenge, Human Rights – Eden

Statistics From Child Help

Child Abuse in the United States

Child abuse in America is a national problem that affects more than 6 million children each year. The U.S has some of the worst records in the world for children dying at the hands of their abusers. Between 4-7 children die every day because of abuse or neglect.

 There are many forms of child abuse. The most common is neglect. Physical abuse is the next most common form. Another horrific form of abuse is sexual. Then, of course there is psychological abuse. Last but not least medical neglect.

 The Consequences to children who survive abuse are horrible. They are more likely to experience teen pregnancy, abuse drugs and alcohol and then become abusers themselves.

 In order to put a stop to child abuse we need to educate people. Show people how cruel and inhumane it is. We are all born with the right to be free and not to be abused and suffer.

Statistics from Child Help


Racism – Eden


Challenge #4 Activity 4


Map by NormanEinstein from

Australia is taking a huge stand on racism. Over 40% of Australian students have at least one parent that comes from a different country. 89% of children between the ages of 13 and 17 have experienced racism. That was a very interesting statistic. I feel that is way too high a number. A couple of the things Australia has done to fight against racism are, creating a program called “What You Say Matters”. This program encourages kids to stand up against racism. Another thing they have done, is the Australian human rights group put out ads with sports figures to help educate people about racism and how wrong it is. Maybe America should follow Australia’s lead, and educate our country about the importance of fighting against racism.

RacismPublic Domain Symbol by Martynas Barzda


A Day In The Life Of – Eden

Week 3 Blogging Challenge

At night I set my alarm to go off at 6:45. I’m usually still very tired when it wakes me up in the morning, so I reset it for 6:55 and go back to sleep. Then when it’s 6:55 my alarm goes off and I get dressed. I brush my hair, brush my teeth then go downstairs and get my bag ready. First I get my lunch box ready, then I fill my water bottle. After that my mom usually comes downstairs and we’re off to school at 7:30. I’ll normally get to school at 8:00 so I have 15 minutes to get settled in and go to class. That’s my morning before school.

I go to a private school. Most private schools have a uniform but Poughkeepsie Day School doesn’t. I like not having a uniform because I get to choose what I want to wear and get to wear whatever I like.  However, I went to a sleep away camp this summer and I had to wear a uniform. I found out I prefer not having a uniform although it is sometimes easier because you don’t have to figure out what you’re going to wear that day. I am glad my school doesn’t have a uniform because I prefer getting to choose what I want to wear.

 A typical school day would go like this…… We have a 15 minute advisory period from 8:15-8:30. After that we might have spanish from 8:30-9:15. Then we would have Arts A. For me, that’s sculpture studio. It’s where we sculpt different thing out of different materials, like paper mache, tin foil etc. After Sculpture Studio, we have a 25 minute break from 10:05 – 10:30. Then we have humanities. (a mix of English, history, writing, reading, etc) from 10:30 – 12:00.  After that, it’s time for lunch, from 12:00- 12:40. After lunch, we have free time from 12:40 – 1:55 for homework. Then either math or science from 1;55- 3:15. Then it’s time to go home.

My Town – By Eden

Everyone needs to have the Hopewell Junction experience. There are so many things to see and to do. If you want an athletic experience, there is world class golf, including Beekman Country Club and Trump National At Hudson Valley. If you want to take it up a notch you can bike, rollerblade, skateboard or run the over 20 mile rail trail that runs right through town. Anywhere you turn there are beautiful mountain views. To get up close and personal with those views, drive the picturesque Taconic State Parkway to view magnificent fall foliage. Anything you could need is in the town of Hopewell Junction, you’ve got fresh baked italian bread and fresh pasta at Mario’s, beautiful bouquets by Christine, sparkling jewelry by Bellizzi Jewelers, hot fresh bagels, and delicious brick oven pizza.