Week #4 Activity #2 By Mollie

I tried to search myself on Google, but Nothing came up. What I did find was a picture of Leonardo Dicaprio, No idea why his pitcture came up. I also found some cooking utensils and a bunch of other people i never met before.  I Googled my sister and  some of her drawings came up. I think she had a digital footprint because she uses social media. I never use any social medias. I hope at the end of the year I will have a digital footprint.

Time For A Break By Mollie Schmitz

Time for a break 

After playing Darfur Is Dying I learned that some parts of Africa are very scary. The game taught me that people living in the small village need to go into the desert to find water. They also said that their is some kind a crisis going on there. The people looking for the water might get kidnaped, raped, killed and abused. Usually the person looking for the water is a woman or a child. This all started ten years ago but people still are killing people. I could help by spreading awareness about Darfur.

I also played the game Ayiti the Coast of Life.  It is a game were you try to survive for 5 years in Rural Haiti with your family. I died after 2 years. My family ran out of money so the adults couldn’t go to work because they were sick and depressed, and the kids died from diseases.  Over all my entire family died. I feel really bad that I killed every body. I hope that real life is not like the game.

One for the Murphys – By Mollie


I think Mrs. Murphy is a hero in the book One for the Murphys. I think she is a hero because she never gave up on Carley and she treated her like she was her own child. She also helped Carley out in the hardest part of her life. I really think Mrs. Murphy is  hero for helping a child in need.

I also think Carley is a hero in a way, too. She is a little rude to people but deep down she is a really sweet girl. She went through a tough time and she was raised in a weird way, but she still treated Mikel Eric and Adam well. I think Carley is a hero.

Challenge 1 Activity 4

Week #1

I made my avatar a pink skinned, rabbit eared, blue pony tailed man with a beard because it shows who I am in the inside. The pink skin part is because I like pink and also the color really pops out at you. The rabbit ear are for pettiness and the blue hair is because I like blue. I made him fat because I thought it would make people laugh.The green pants represent a sumo wrestlers. My family is from Japan.Also the eyes are anime eyes. I think my avatar really shows who I am.


Japan By Mollie

On summer vacation I went to Japan: )

I went to Tokyo Disney Land and I had so much fun! My family and I saw a 3D show about a magical hat. It was really cool but it made me a little dizzy.. We also went on lots of rides. The best one was the car ride based on the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabit.” I can’t wait to go back next year.

We visited a town in Japan called Hacona. My great aunt came with us and we went on a hike to a volcano. There were lots of stores on the way to the top. We stopped at one store and ate some black eggs and black ice-cream. The eggs tasted like normal eggs and the ice-cream was vanilla flavored. After the hike we went on a pirate ship. It was on the lake near the volcano. We also went on a rope way. It was kind of scary. We stayed at a pretty good hotel, too and they had very good food there. We had all kinds of things like squid ink potato, small hamburgers and other things I can’t name. I wish I spent more time there. I hope I can stay in Japan longer next year.

I then went to my grandparents house. They live near the beach so we went swimming. It was very salty, but my dad said that the salt is good for me. After swimming we went back to my grandfather’s house and had a great dinner with my family. My aunt and uncle came and they brought some Iseshrimp. Iseshrimp is a very good shrimp that is similar to a lobster. It was my first time eating one. We also had a lot of other things like sushi, miso soup,and other Japanese foods.

I hope my grandparents are healthy and well the next time I see them.

The School By Mollie

“PLEASE come with me. I’m too scared to go by myself,” begged James.
“No!” replied his brother Peter.
“It’s your fault. You’re the one who forgot your homework. Go get it yourself.”
James Kept begging and pleading to his brother. This annoyed Peter so much he finally said, “Ok ok! I will go with you. But next time you forget your homework at school, I wouldn’t be there.”

James and Peter entered the dark empty school. “Hey, do you know that this school is haunted?” asked Peter.
”No it’s not.” James said.
”You’re just trying to scare me.”
“It is so,” protested Peter. “There is a legend about a little girl that kills people with scissors. The story is very famous in this school and it’s 100% true.”

James started to get scared and he hated scary stories. He also hated his brother for scaring him. As they headed toured the exit they heard snip snip snip of scissors.They walked on trying to ignore the sound but it only seemed to get louder … SNIP SNIP SNIP. They walked faster. When they thought they reached the exit they saw a little girl holding a pair of scissors. She smiled a creepy smile…SNIP SNIP SNIP.

The next morning some kids found James and Peter dead. As the kids stared at the bodies in horror, they heard the sound of scissors snipping.