On Tuesday the15th of March, the PDS middle school had our first Imagination Day.
Imagination Day is when students can volunteer to teach an activity such as; dance, language, basketball and more. Some of the classes were influenced through the student teacher’s hobby.
I didn’t come up with a class to teach but my best friend did Soccer Skills and I helped her teach that. For that class we went outside to the soccer field. First we stretched than ran a lap. After that we played scrimmage, we didn’t play with a goalie though because there were only six people in the activity. After scrimmage we went up to the larger soccer field and practiced on goal kicks. Everyone except for Kristi (the teacher of the class) missed every single goal. We made them run another lap because they looked soooo tired and they seemed like they could use the exercise. They were all groaning. After the lap we continued with goal kicks. They were still not putting all their energy into the kick so Kristi and I decided we needed to have a team talk. I gave about a five minute “speech” on self-motivation and confidence and why they were there. “You guys are here to learn and improve your soccer skills so try to put all of your energy into your kicks. I know you can all do better than this, I’ve seen all of you play soccer before.”
After our speech everyone started to kick better. We all decided that we would name our team Confidence. After the class was over we went to a certain classroom and talked about what we learned. Of course every one said confidence and Deanna said “I learned what offside means”….a few people also said motivation.
My second period was Music, I was in that art with my friend Kate. We decided that for a warm up we’d play a G blues. We all did that and it sounded really cool. The rest of the group worked on a song while Kate and I searched the lyrics and piano chords for the song King of Anything. We took a keyboard out in the hall and practiced and wrote the notes down. Most of the song is pretty difficult except for the intro. We finished up with that and soon enough we had to pack up for lunch.
After lunch we went to the assigned classroom and each group presented what they did in their class. Acting improv showed us their skit, music played a short song and Rome made posters so they presented those.
I think that Imagination Day was a lot of fun because I learned a lot….I would definitely do it again!