Week #3- Town and Country

Week #3

Hi. I am Khalil and I live in the quiet town of Staatsburg and like where I live. I like that it’s nice and relaxing. I also feel nice and safe where I live. I would not want to live in a big city. I think there are too many people and pollution.

There are some things I like about the city. What I like about the city are all the lights at night. The lights look really cool to me. I also like the noise of the cars and planes. What I don’t like about the city is that there are lots of people and more crime scenes. I also don’t like how people are so loud and crazy. It can feels kind of weird to me. Also the pollution in the city is horrible I do not like that at all.

Some things I like about Staatsburg…I like that in Staatsburg it’s more calm and relaxing and not so noisy like in the City. I also like that there are not many people and commotion happening on the streets. What I don’t like about Staatsburg is that sometimes there is nothing really exciting  going on, unlike in the City, so sometimes it can get a little boring.

In conclusion, I like where I live and I am happy I don’t live in the City. That’s why I have more cons for the City than Staatsburg.

 Week #3 Town and Country