Human Rights-Diego

Challenge #5 Human rights,

I personally feel that education as a human right for children in the US is really important for my sister and I, because we get to go to school, (Poughkeepsie Day School) and it’s the greatest school ever, I love it. I would be really upset if I didn’t have the right to go and couldn’t, but back on subject, education is important for everyone not just me because it gives the children the right to go to school and learn skills that they need in life, after all we are the next generation.


Unicef is an organization that is helping kids all around the world to have a better life   any way they can, such as having an education, I’ve looked into some of the ways their helping and it’s really amazing their helping kids and their schools, for example in Africa there are increasing enrollment. among girls, orphans and children in extreme poverty. It’s really cool and you should check them out they’re awesome, and when you find out something else on how there helping kids, comment below I’d love to hear some of the new things they’re doing.


But education isn’t just school, it’s learning, and you know you don’t learn everything in school: you learn to read, write, work a computer, history, grammar, math, science….etc but in my opinion thats not all a kid needs to learn they need to: follow their dreams, to be free (unless you’re in jail) to be good,to help, the list goes on and on. So education is not everything you learn in school it’s also those little lessons you learn every day, so when you learn something outside of school it shouldn’t be any less important to you.

#BAD13    #13stubc


Digital Footprints-Diego

A digital footprint is whatever you do online any website you log into any game you sign up for, everywhere you go online is put into your digital footprint. My digital footprint.I’m just going to say df for digital footprint because I’m going to get tired of spelling out digital footprint, anyway my df is pretty positive. I don’t log into anything bad I only use my computer for school, and a few other things,I really try to keep my df positive not negative.


I don’t think I’d want anybody to see what I’ve have on my df unless I had control of how much they saw, because there is probable a good amount off things that I have no idea are there, and I don’t want people even family seeing those things. When I search my name online (Diego) all that comes up is a lot of stuff on Go Diego Go, but when I search my full name (will not be mentioned) (due to privacy)  the first thing that comes up is a prezi that I didn’t make so I’m guessing that my account got hacked. It’s really important to watch your df because it has everything you do and anyone can see it.


Education Is Important-Diego

I personally feel that education as a human right for children in the US is really important for  my sister and me. We go to Poughkeepsie Day School because it’s the greatest school ever and I love it. I would be really upset if I didn’t have the right to go and couldn’t go, but back on the subject. Education is important for everyone not just me because it gives the children the right to go to school and learn skills that they need in life. After all, we are the next generation.

 Unicef is an organization that is helping kids all around the world to have a better life   any way they can, such as having an education. I’ve looked into some of the ways they are helping and it’s really amazing how they are helping kids and their schools. For example, in Africa they are increasing enrollment among girls, orphans and children in extreme poverty. It’s really cool and you should check them out as they’re awesome. When you find out something else on how they’re helping kids, comment below. I’d love to hear some of the new things they’re doing.

Education isn’t just about school, it’s leaning, and don’t learn everything in school: you learn to read, write, work a computer, history, grammar, math, science….etc but in my opinion thats not all a kid needs to learn they need to: follow their dreams, to be free (unless you’re in jail) to be good,to help, the list goes on and on. So education is not everything you learn in school it’s also those little lessons you learn every day, so when you learn something outside of school it shouldn’t be any less important to you.

#BAD13    #13stubc


Government Shutdown USA-by Diego

For  challenge #4  I chose the government shut down, and I did it as journalist for a newspaper.

Republicans and Democrats are pointing fingers at each other about the government shutdown. Congressman  John Boehner  says that the Democrats and President Obama refuse to negotiate on anything concerning the Affordable Care Act or better known as Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act has already been voted in as a bill, and signed by the president into a law. The Supreme Court also has determined that the Affordable Care Act is indeed constitutional. So, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has gore through all the proper things, according to The Constitution of the United States, to become a law.


Obama says that the senate and house of democrats have been willing to negotiate with republicans about the Obamacare. He welcomes ideas to enhance and make the law better. But Obama is not willing to “gut” the law, which he claims is what the republicans are demanding. He is also not willing to negotiate under such tactics as the government shut down. Here is link to his speech concerning the government shut down Obama’s speech


Congressman John Boehner and house republicans are claiming what Obama says is wrong. Boehner blames Obama and democrats for the shutdown and says they are going against the constitution. The New York Times  has some info on this topic.


A Day In The Life Of Me (Diego)

Challenge #3

In the morning, I usually get up at 6 o’clock and have about 45 minutes before I leave to catch the bus at 6:45. My dad drives me to my stop and I have my puppy on my lap. I get there and get out, grab my stuff and hop on the bus with my sister. It takes about an hour and a half to get to school. When I get to school, I take my sister to her classroom and walk to the learning commons to say hi to my friends.

In the middle school, we use our computers for almost everything, and I guess tha’ts cool, but maybe one improvement could be using computers less and maybe other thing more. I’m just saying that it would be nice…… but no one would agree with me.

Our school does not have to wear uniforms which is soooo good. I would die if we had to. I don’t think there’s anything you can’t wear, Shirts with stuff on them, any type of pants, it’s really nice being able to wear whatever you want. At my old school you had to wear a blank shirt and black pants, so no hats, no hoods no nothing.

All about me by Diego

About me

Hi, my name is Diego. I’m 12 years old, and I”m the oldest in my class. I go to Poughkeepsie Day school and started in 5th grade and I just want to say this is the best school ever!!! I’m fun and active and always ready to play. I love sports, and playing baseball, basketball and soccer. I’m also on a few teams. I like hanging out with my friends whenever I can. I try and play in my neighborhood but I usually have homework. My bus ride is an hour so I don’t get home until 5pm and by then there’s only time for dinner and homework. I like to find funny pictures or videos whenever I have free time online. I live with my mom my dad and my little sister and I have a nice house with a nice backyard in the city of Newburgh. I also have lots of pets including: two fish, a snappingturtle, two guinea pigs, and a VERY CUTE PUPPY.

Also FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. 🙂 and do what you want………… unless you’re told otherwise I mean… should.. try….

My puppy, Esther.